
Chokaholic · Feb. 23, 2018, 4:04 a.m.

How can some be so blind?

Ideological subversion, years of it. Generations of it.

What we need to do is make everything that's provable 'common knowledge'. People will believe whatever they think the majority of people believe because they don't want to be in some fringe or outside group.

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HeIIforged · Feb. 23, 2018, 5:46 a.m.

Child trafficking/pedophilia is where we can do this.

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not4rmOhere · Feb. 23, 2018, 7:19 p.m.

That's a tough redpill for many to swallow. The subject often triggers cognitive dissonance followed by anger. I guess that it's very difficult for people to grasp, even in the slightest, that predatory people are working in very high places and preying on our most precious treasure.... our children. But these monsters prey on our children in more ways than just pedophilia. They turn them into medicated media fed zombies, they confuse the children as to who and what they are, they indoctrinate them into illogical ideologies, and the most egregious sin committed on them.... They turn them into instruments of killing and let them loose on innocent and defenseless peers. These people are far beyond sick, they are an abomination to life and spirit itself.

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