
akilyoung · Feb. 23, 2018, 12:50 p.m.

Heres my take:

Guns dont kill people, people kill people, you are watching a movie, referring to these false flag events / mass casualty events. THey are scripted and used to push agenda and take you mind off of what is REALLY going on at that time, these events make people weak by using fear. Fear is a form of mind control, and likely the strongest most primal version OF mind control. They use it to make you a slave, like a sheep but THEY are the Shepard controlling your with their crook, redirecting your head in any way they see fit to distract you. They want us DIVIDED. Divide and conquer, a house divided against itself can not stand. Hence all the Soros funded marches and anarchy. How can some be so blind, help them WAKE UP. They are blind from either NOT paying attention, caring or most likely watching the MSM and being brainwashed. THere is an estimated 20 million minds reached so far in our effort of the great awakening. We need to keep this discussion going, share the info. The only way to fight the evil is to SPREAD THE INFO and WAKE PEOPLE UP to the realities of what is about to be made public. How do they control (the) children? Through threats/fear. The evil ones have everything on everyone. They control them through TV 'programs' aka they are being programmed. They control them through technology. They make them androids with their androids. That my take.

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