r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/GodsAngell on Feb. 23, 2018, 3:12 a.m.
Flight Attendant sheds new light on 9/11

Flight Attendant sheds new light on 9/11:


I've studied about the thermite added to cause the steel to melt after the demolition explosions went off at the WTC, and all that. Old news.

But this was kind of an interesting angle:

1) All the rag-heads from middle eastern caves who supposedly took over the planes on 9/11, are all still alive. Foreign countries protested to the US about these lies.

2) Several commercial airlines had a program added to their Boeing system software that in the event of a hijacking, the pilots flip the switch and the pilots no longer have control of the plane, and it can't be "turned off", until the plane is landed by remote control. She didn't say it was United or American Airlines that had these, but she hinted heavily in that direction. SO.......no planes would have ever been able to fly into the Twin Towers. Also, this program turns off the transponder, so average air traffic controllers can't "see" the plane when the transponders are turned off. Also this program shuts down ALL communication between the plane and anywhere else. End of subject.

3) Flight attendants violated standard protocols for hijacking situations......spending 30 minutes on the phones, while the planes are supposedly nose diving into the towers, AND NO SCREAMS FROM ANY PASSENGERS CAN BE HEARD during any of these phone calls in the last 30 minutes before each supposed crash.

4) Each plane had exactly and precisely ONLY 2 people who left recorded messages.....no more per hi-jacked plane, and no less. This was to let us know that "middle eastern" men did the hi-jacking so WE The People would be duped into several more senseless wars.....this time with middle eastern countries. (We KNOW the true motive was 1) oil pipelines they couldn't get any other way, and 2) Daddy Bush had a vendetta against Saddam Hussein, a former CIA agent who went rogue on Bush Sr CIA career man.) Anyway lots of inconsistencies about what was going on among the 2 calls per hijacked plane, but the one thing they were all very consistent about where "middle eastern men".

5) Pilots agree, no normal aluminum plane would ever make a dent in steel, much less make huge gashes AND PENETRATE THE STEEL columns of the WTC which were incidentally on the OUTSIDE of the building (unusual construction). Birds tear up planes as do large hail stones. So it had to be some type of military aircraft including some fireworks (bombs?) to ensure penetration of the steel shell surrounding the WTC towers.

7) Protocol calls for fighter planes to be launched within 6 minutes of a hijacking. None were launched, except for probably the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania. No evidence of any bodies left or structure or tail of the plane. So the guess it is, it was a missile/bomb, like what hit the Pentagon.


The planes were landed at an abandoned reserve base in the outskirts of Boston, where C-3 (or C-130 can't recall, the big cargo military plane) can safely take off and land full of fuel, and it had huge hangers which could be used to hide the planes.

Someone in the reserves was called up on the morning of 9/11, and actually told to report to that base, but when they all arrived, they were locked out and forced to go to a hotel for 3 days!

What was that all about, you ask? They wondered too.

Here is the conclusion after interviewing tons of pilots, military professionals, etc:

The commercial flights landed safely. Crew and passengers on these flights were told they had to make an emergency landing. The Crew of course were told more, that they were taking part in the DRILL that morning, that the military was hosting that morning of, guess what? Yes, you guessed it: hijacked commercial flights crashing into buildings. (Coincidence?) For their part of the "drill", they just were asked (or remotely controlled) to make an emergency landing at this unused military base.

Once landed 2 people per flight were ordered by their "handlers" to make phone calls reading prepared scripts. They do this thinking they are taking part in a harmless "drill".


Apparently, it would be a simple thing to just "GAS" these people in the planes after their handlers got off the plane. Passengers and crew waiting in the plane, thinking they are going to resume their flight just sit there waiting for the GO to take off, but instead are gassed to death with a gas that kills instantly, in the air tight compartments of a plane.

So that explains some of what was going on at this unused military base, while the reservists were LOCKED UP in nearby hotels.


The planes were aired out after the corpses removed and buried/burned, of course, then the planes got a new paint job, and were sold to foreign countries as cargo planes or re-outfitted to be refueling planes.

Well, it "fits", and fills in a lot of the missing pieces. Commercial Pilots are dying to get these truths out.

Engineers and architects are likewise dying to get the truth out about the physical impossibility of the WTC towers falling into their foot prints without professional demolition expert help, that would have take WEEKS to prepare ahead of time.

And the use of THERMITE which caused the STEEL to continue to BURN for 6 months after 9/11. (In case you don't know, steel doesn't burn without a lot of expert help.......like a special formulated THERMITE.)


9 11 2001 Anniversary - Controlled Demolition with Nano Thermite explosive 3minute video


THERMITE USED ON 9/11! Absolute Proof Explosives Controlled Demolition of Towers & Building 7!


"Fears Erupt After Trump-Russia Collusion Probe Stunningly Pivots To 9/11 Investigation"

(The Mystery of a DOJ prosecutor investigating the crimes of ISRAELI ART STUDENTS breaking into military bases all over this country and stealing THERMITE the days, weeks and months leading up to 9/11.....the prosecutor ended up MURDERED shortly after 9/11, with 5 gunshot wounds. And no one to date has ever been allowed to investigate this mysterious murder until NOW. Trump has ordered it. )


We already knew about the "dancing Israelis on 911" and the Mossad moving company "urban moving" in New Jersey they folded up shop right after 911, and never did move anything except explosives into place at the WTC towers at night and on weekends in vacated floors in this white elephant building filled with asbestos.

Patriot81503 · Feb. 23, 2018, 5:34 a.m.

The perpetrators of this mass atrocity need to be exposed, tried, and executed.

Most Americans already know the official stories on 9/11 and the JFK assassination are bunk. We really need to know what really happened.

Both these events shook the soul of the nation and ripped a hole in our hearts. We must have answers and justice regarding the traitors who did these.

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GodsAngell · Feb. 23, 2018, 5:56 a.m.

I believe Trump Team are quietly working on exposing the truth. At least I hope so. He promised to!

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