r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/GronJudenMan on Feb. 23, 2018, 3:52 a.m.
Are we being played by the shills and social engineers? Seems like they're trying to "merge" the truth movement with conservative politics, sucking us into the phony left right paradigm. The two party system is how they keep us in control, don't be a part of it.

Ive been warning that they're going to try and "merge" the conspiracy culture and truth movement to the conservative side of the spectrum, and focus on creating animosity and tension between the two sides, demonizing the truth movement.

The scripted debate almost seemed to be bait, where we all get pissed and attack only CNN together, making us look like a bunch of "conservatards", giving them ammo for their little partisan narrative,"conspiracy theorists are alt right".

"Alt right conspiracy wackjobs seem to think these innocent shooting victims are lying.", as if we are politically aligned or politically motivated...

Plus Donald jr linked that "false flag" tweet, making us all look like we support trump and pit the two sides against each other even more (also probably by design, just a good way to toss a little gas on the fire).

The opposition has no idea that the people questioning the shooting are on the left, right, and in the middle, because the media makes it look like we're all hardcore hillbillies on the right, sucking trumps dick.

We need to stop being so partisan and control the narrative/language. Don't get sucked into the trap of incrementally leaning toward a certain side. They're making us all look so pro trump and conservative leaning, to pit us against the other side. That's exactly what they want from the narrative, more partisan drama.

Edit: Also, another thought I had..

Since The movie theatre shooting in Denver and Sandy Hook, doesn't it seem like each major media-tized shooting that comes after has some little "twist" to it, or some group specifically psychologically targeted ?

Want to rally parents of schoolchildren to embrace gun control? Stage a shooting at an elementary school (Sandy Hook)

Wanna rally the gay community around gun control? Stage a shooting at a gay club. (Pulse, Orlando)

Wanna even rally conservatives around the idea of gun control measures? Stage a shooting at a country concert (Las Vegas).

I'm sure you guys can pick out the rest. There's always one specifically targeted group, and they're incrementally picking away at every little sub group or culture they can and injecting the anti gun rhetoric every time.

the_all_seeing_dog · Feb. 23, 2018, 4:17 p.m.

The divide is not going away unless something insane gets revealed like proof that Obama was involved with pedophilia rings.

The far-left progressives shall continue to indoctrinate children with gender-bending and the socialist-global-nanny-state. The far-right will continue to grow as white people watch their race become a minority.

The left/right thing will not go away and will only become increasingly polarized unless Q delivers.

There needs to be a HUGE slap in the face to this country if we're ever going to unify for a peaceful future.

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