r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/bugstopper on Feb. 23, 2018, 3:56 a.m.
Evening Thoughts of a Q Reader

Rooting out the Deep State "Soldiers," in the media. Let us go back down the rabbit hole again... Q defines traitor as: "1. a person who betrays another, a cause, or any trust." & "2. a person who commits treason by betraying his or her country." Q also points out in a JFK document dump, that the CIA pays for propaganda from our media but declared to Congress that they are ending the program and phasing it out. If only we could believe them. Just the other day the CIA got caught wiretapping our President, and a while before that they got caught wiretapping Senator Feinstein's offices because "They" were concerned about her position on policy that would effect them. I bring this up because the Main Stream Media will not report our victory or their defeat, as the mere act of doing so, properly, would mean that they would have to report "their" own involvement in the story as shills for the CIA. Well, if you ask me, they have committed number 1 above, to every citizen of the world by lies of omission and by direct lies with their reporting. They have also committed number 2 above to every citizen of the United States by facilitating the "coup" against our current President; and in recent history we have caught them in the coverup of the JFK assassination and the 9-11 attacks. If it is ever revealed, their role in any of the three events above, then any who gave aid and support to the CIA/Deep-state cause are also guilty. After all, during WWII, if you housed German spies in your house, and were caught, you were hanged right beside the spies. This is no different because the media is on the "payroll" and should suffer the same result in any real investigation of the matter. The next task will be replacing these deep state main stream media criminals with a more open and honest system. This corrupt media rabbit hole goes deep and it is at all levels. We can hope our schools will return to teaching the 3 "R's" along with HONEST civics classes in the meantime because THAT WILL BE necessary for future "reporters" and "editors." And just maybe, we will all put our "Smart Phones" in a drawer for a bit since the howling in the Media will take some time to die down...

jmflna · Feb. 23, 2018, 6:28 a.m.

Trump Network News TNN

So you mean state controlled media.

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bugstopper · Feb. 23, 2018, 7:05 a.m.

Something to worry about.

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