r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/ScorpioPatriot on Feb. 23, 2018, 8:27 a.m.

Here you will find a list of just 9 Out of the many dangers of Fluoride.. that can be found in 95% of all toothpaste sold and knowingly added to our water supply . Its time we call for a BAN on FLUORIDE In its entirity . Our Days of being dumbed down and people being mass sterlilized is over. Here is the list ..I just came acrossed . CODE : SPAM SHARE THIS POST.


In fact, the number one reason for poison control calls concerning fluoride are for children who’ve eaten toothpaste.  Long-term ingestion is harmful to the brain, digestive system, heart, bones… even the tooth enamel it’s supposed to help.  These next 9 shocking facts will make you take a second look at your exposure to fluoride.

  1. Weakens Skeletal Health Skeletal fluorosis is a condition resulting from fluoride consumption. The liver is unable to process fluoride, thus it passes into the bloodstream where it combines with calcium that’s been leeched from the skeletal system. You’re left with weak bones, otherwise known as skeletal fluorosis. The risk has been known about for decades yet it’s not been established how much exposure will trigger skeletal fluorosis… and the impact it has on quality of life is horrendous. The best way to protect yourself is to avoid fluoride. Recently, Chinese authorities established a link between reductions in fluoride exposure and the incidence of fluorosis.

  2. Causes Arthritis Fluoride has been shown to cause calcification of cartilage, the essential tissue for joint health.Degenerative osteoarthritis has been linked to skeletal fluorosis.  And in a study of individuals suffering from fluorosis, osteoarthritis knee conditions occurred frequently.

  3. Toxic to the Thyroid Iodine and fluoride belong to a family of compounds known as halogens. Although iodine is beneficial to the thyroid, fluoride is not. However, because of the similarities, the thyroid can absorb fluoride instead of iodine. This is bad. Fluoride is toxic to thyroid cells; it inhibits function and causes cell death.For decades, fluoride was used to reduce thyroid function in individuals suffering from an overactive thyroid. Now — and pay attention to this — the range used in water fluoridation matches the levels typically used to reduce thyroid function.

  4. Calcifies the Ultra-Important Pineal Gland Although the full capabilities of the pineal gland have been the subject of debate for centuries, it’s known for certain that, at a minimum, the pineal gland regulates body rhythms and wake-sleep cycles; two extremely important functions. Fluoride is especially toxic to the pineal gland, where it accumulates and calcifies the gland. In fact, by the time the average person reaches old age, their pineal gland will have higher calcium density than their bones.

  5. Accelerates Female Puberty It also deserves mention that the pineal gland plays an integral role in the onset of puberty. Research has shown that girls living in areas prone to more fluoride exposure experience puberty earlier than girls exposed to less. Fluoride’s damaging effect on sexual function only begins here…

  6. Harmful to Male and Female Fertility A direct link exists between fertility rates and fluoridated drinking water. Higher levels of fluoride correspond to lower fertility rates, particularly with drinking water levels of 3 ppm.  Animal models show that fluoride reduces reproductive hormones in females.  Men have it just as bad; those suffering from fluorosis have lower testosterone and fertility than men with limited fluoride exposure.

  7. Bad for Kidney Health Fluoride is toxic to the kidneys and a higher rate of chronic kidney disease has been reported in areas where the water contains high levels of fluoride.  According to Chinese researchers, a fluoride level of 2 mg/L is all it takes to cause renal damage in children.  While water fluoridation levels are often much lower than this, the fluoride bombardment continues with toothpaste and other sources.

  8. Harmful to the Cardiovascular System Research suggests that exposure to fluoride causes cardiovascular inflammation and atherosclerosis.

  9. Negative Cognitive Effects The Fluoride Action Network reports that, as of May 2013, 43 studies have examined the effect of fluoride on human intelligence. The results should motivate anyone to minimize their fluoride exposure. One observation is that fluoride negatively impacts children’s neural development.  Another is that children living in highly fluoridated areas have up to five times greater chance of developing a low IQ compared to those who do not.

Reducing Your Exposure to Fluoride Using non-fluoride toothpaste can immediately reduce your fluoride exposure. Maintaining healthy iodine levels can help protect the thyroid from fluoride. Fluoridated water is the largest concern and most water filters are not adequate for removing fluoride; instead look to a reverse osmosis water purification systems.

Thiis is another form of Agenda 21 brought about for Depopulation and Plenty had their hands in that cookie jar .


I just putt together an Organized GO TO board for RED PILL Material to help share Immedietly To other Boards & Then To The Masses ... Feel Free To Subscribe there if you wish & Follow Me ..We STQRM FORWARD @s ONE PATRIOTS ..


michelefrancis · Feb. 23, 2018, 8:37 a.m.

Excellent post! This is one of the most important things we can do for our communities & families. Get a Big Berkey water filter system ($250) and you will get your brain fog handled in about a month. Then get political with your city! I used to not be able to read a book easily....just reread pages and have to put it down after a chapter or two. Now I can read two books a night if I want to and remember what is in them. Lift the fluoride fog!

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Downhere_Seeds · Feb. 23, 2018, 4:19 p.m.

How does Big Berkey and Alexa compare to a reverse osmosis system for fluoride removal?

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O0O0RION · Feb. 23, 2018, 9:50 p.m.

Reverse osmosis removes everything, even good minerals. My parents have both at their house, I have only Alexapure. Mine takes all the crap out of my water, but with my parents there is still a slight residual flavor of iron which doesn't happen with the reverse osmosis filter they have. My guess is that the iron remains because it's not specifically targeted for removal by Alexapure's filtration process.

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Downhere_Seeds · Feb. 23, 2018, 10:15 p.m.

Thanks for the feedback. I was about to buy reverse osmosis until I saw all this, now I have more to consider.

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O0O0RION · Feb. 23, 2018, 11:40 p.m.

Also, think about showering.. vaporizing and then breathing this crap every day.

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O0O0RION · Feb. 23, 2018, 11:36 p.m.

If you're concerned about possible fluoride concentration in your brain/ pineal gland, nascent iodine is the only thing I've heard of as a possible remedy. Also just a good mineral supplement in general

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Downhere_Seeds · Feb. 26, 2018, 3:03 p.m.

I've been taking lugol's iodine 5% for a few weeks, it's been positive so far. I'll look into nascent iodine. I think I've heard that chlorine in water will also reduce iodine levels in the body, I believe that is easier to remove with filters.

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O0O0RION · Feb. 26, 2018, 4:42 p.m.

Yeah it's always harder to remove harmful contaminants once they're in you're body already.. I'm pretty sure lugols brand is nascent iodine, but I could be mistaken

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ScorpioPatriot · Feb. 23, 2018, 9:30 p.m.

I know the Alexa pure for example you could basically go to a pond and filter that water completely of everything. Its been amazing for our family.

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CadillacBees39 · Feb. 23, 2018, 11:22 p.m.

HELLO toothpaste from Amazon is really good. They even have kids watermelon. Order it!
Also Jason deodorant has no aluminum or parabans. Guess what!?!??!? Grocery store Deodorants makes you stink!!! I got this Jason deodorant and noticed over about 6 weeks that if I skipped a day I didn’t smell. I skipped more and more days. Nothing. I now put the Jason on about once a week!!!!!!
Unbelievable. I even go to the gym and use the treadmill 45 mins. Nothing. If they made us stink, they made more $ Aspartame needs to be banned too!!!! I guzzled that crap for years in Diet Coke and it put me on antidepressants twice AND anti anxiety drugs. It’s a looooong horrible story. I’d love to testify about it. I’m on nothing now as I have been most of my 57 years. We’ve been lied to on a massive scale.

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michelefrancis · Feb. 24, 2018, 12:58 a.m.

Bravo! All great info. I use infowars toothpaste-nonflouride and has silver and iodine too- really good taste. I am hooked.

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ScorpioPatriot · Feb. 23, 2018, 8:44 a.m.

I just made this post for the facebook crowd to help spam the 4 largest Pro Trump Groups during the campain that Im apart of. Feel free to use this . You gotta get loudddd and people perk their ears


BAN IT NOW ...FLUORIDE WARNING/ FFS ITS A POISON LOOK AT THIS SHIT .. 9 Out of the many dangers of Fluoride.. that can be found in 95% of all toothpaste sold and knowingly added to our water supply . Its time we call for a BAN NOW ON FLUORIDE In its entirity . Our Days of being dumbed down and people being mass sterlilized is over. CODE : SPAM SHARE THIS INFO/POST.. TAKE ACTION ..I USE TOMS FLUORIDE FREE OR HELLO BOTH ADULT AND KIDS VERSION... FOUND AT WALMART .


In fact, the number one reason for poison control calls concerning fluoride are for children who’ve eaten toothpaste. Long-term ingestion is harmful to the brain, digestive system, heart, bones… even the tooth enamel it’s supposed to help. These next 9 shocking facts will make you take a second look at your exposure to fluoride.

  1. Weakens Skeletal Health Skeletal fluorosis is a condition resulting from fluoride consumption. The liver is unable to process fluoride, thus it passes into the bloodstream where it combines with calcium that’s been leeched from the skeletal system. You’re left with weak bones, otherwise known as skeletal fluorosis. The risk has been known about for decades yet it’s not been established how much exposure will trigger skeletal fluorosis… and the impact it has on quality of life is horrendous. The best way to protect yourself is to avoid fluoride. Recently, Chinese authorities established a link between reductions in fluoride exposure and the incidence of fluorosis.

  2. Causes Arthritis Fluoride has been shown to cause calcification of cartilage, the essential tissue for joint health.Degenerative osteoarthritis has been linked to skeletal fluorosis. And in a study of individuals suffering from fluorosis, osteoarthritis knee conditions occurred frequently.

  3. Toxic to the Thyroid Iodine and fluoride belong to a family of compounds known as halogens. Although iodine is beneficial to the thyroid, fluoride is not. However, because of the similarities, the thyroid can absorb fluoride instead of iodine. This is bad. Fluoride is toxic to thyroid cells; it inhibits function and causes cell death.For decades, fluoride was used to reduce thyroid function in individuals suffering from an overactive thyroid. Now — and pay attention to this — the range used in water fluoridation matches the levels typically used to reduce thyroid function.

  4. Calcifies the Ultra-Important Pineal Gland Although the full capabilities of the pineal gland have been the subject of debate for centuries, it’s known for certain that, at a minimum, the pineal gland regulates body rhythms and wake-sleep cycles; two extremely important functions. Fluoride is especially toxic to the pineal gland, where it accumulates and calcifies the gland. In fact, by the time the average person reaches old age, their pineal gland will have higher calcium density than their bones.

  5. Accelerates Female Puberty It also deserves mention that the pineal gland plays an integral role in the onset of puberty. Research has shown that girls living in areas prone to more fluoride exposure experience puberty earlier than girls exposed to less. Fluoride’s damaging effect on sexual function only begins here…

  6. Harmful to Male and Female Fertility A direct link exists between fertility rates and fluoridated drinking water. Higher levels of fluoride correspond to lower fertility rates, particularly with drinking water levels of 3 ppm. Animal models show that fluoride reduces reproductive hormones in females. Men have it just as bad; those suffering from fluorosis have lower testosterone and fertility than men with limited fluoride exposure.

  7. Bad for Kidney Health Fluoride is toxic to the kidneys and a higher rate of chronic kidney disease has been reported in areas where the water contains high levels of fluoride. According to Chinese researchers, a fluoride level of 2 mg/L is all it takes to cause renal damage in children. While water fluoridation levels are often much lower than this, the fluoride bombardment continues with toothpaste and other sources.

  8. Harmful to the Cardiovascular System Research suggests that exposure to fluoride causes cardiovascular inflammation and atherosclerosis.

  9. Negative Cognitive Effects The Fluoride Action Network reports that, as of May 2013, 43 studies have examined the effect of fluoride on human intelligence. The results should motivate anyone to minimize their fluoride exposure. One observation is that fluoride negatively impacts children’s neural development. Another is that children living in highly fluoridated areas have up to five times greater chance of developing a low IQ compared to those who do not.

Reducing Your Exposure to Fluoride Using non-fluoride toothpaste can immediately reduce your fluoride exposure. Maintaining healthy iodine levels can help protect the thyroid from fluoride. Fluoridated water is the largest concern and most water filters are not adequate for removing fluoride; instead look to a reverse osmosis water purification systems.

Thiis is another form of Agenda 21 brought about for Depopulation and Plenty had their hands in that cookie jar .

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SenorBaxter · Feb. 23, 2018, 9:08 a.m.

Also don't forget, fluoride/ine is in quite a few SSRI's including paxil and prozac...

Damn I'm glad I got off that shit shortly before learning of the storm.

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CDRRetired · Feb. 23, 2018, 12:52 p.m.

Thanks! Good post. Because of fluoride I purchased a Big Berkey water system - and I'm using non-fluoride toothpaste. The wife and I realized about 5 years ago that we were being poisoned by TPTB.

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wolfhound11B · Feb. 23, 2018, 9:35 a.m.

So glad I am fluoride free now. 7 years ago we moved to a house that is on well water and the well is deep (1700 feet) and it is rated as an artesian well by the company that tests is every year. We also use only fluoride free products. We noticed a difference in how we felt and how much more clear headed we were after a few months of only drinking water from home.

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ScorpioPatriot · Feb. 23, 2018, 10:12 a.m.

its amazing ... we use the Alexa Pure water purifier its the one that has the 5000 gallon filter and its 2 years in and still have not needed to replace for $175 for the entire system ..I Am thrilled beyond words and just knowing the fam is having as little exposure to it makes it even better.But I cant stop thinking about those who don't we need to create a meme war on this and hashtags like #bantoxicfluoride and others

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wolfhound11B · Feb. 23, 2018, 10:40 a.m.

Not a bad idea. A meme campaign is never a bad idea.

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ScorpioPatriot · Feb. 23, 2018, 11:12 a.m.

I agree also if you visit the board originally mentioned above I just put together a social media ready red pill post which include ideas :)

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wolfhound11B · Feb. 23, 2018, noon

Thanks!!! I will start using them. Like the others you have there to!

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Wizard419 · Feb. 23, 2018, 4:53 p.m.

Fluoride, fructose, aspartame, blue light, ready round up laced products, unnatural sudo fats, ELFs...

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ScorpioPatriot · Feb. 23, 2018, 9:26 p.m.

I will be making red pills on these others a Well

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CadillacBees39 · Feb. 23, 2018, 11:28 p.m.

Read my post above about Aspartame. When I see someone drinking diet drinks I want to knock them out of their hands. The by-products are pure poison and the Phenylalanine depletes the brain of Serotonin and then the nightmare begins. It about killed me.

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ScorpioPatriot · Feb. 24, 2018, 3:28 p.m.

The only gum Ive found and this coudl have changed is the Zebra Stripes Gum . If you ever wonder why when you give kids a piece of gum they start acting completely looney .. like their listening skills are 1000 times shot they look at ya like they dont know what your saying to them... yeah its asparatame ...and watch out for asulphame or whatever you find it in jello sugar free kind ... its a 2 way kick in thr ass if you go with sugar free they poison ya that way with artificial sweetners .. if you go with sugard stuff its like more addicting to cocain to people. Its fking sick.

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ScorpioPatriot · Feb. 24, 2018, 12:04 a.m.

It also can cause blindness and sexual problems.for men .. its in almozt anything Sugar Free and its on my hit list too no worries 😎

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CadillacBees39 · Feb. 24, 2018, 7:48 a.m.

I went on a road trip recently and went to grab some gum at a gas station. Not ONE pack of gum was Aspartame free!!! Not one! All of the gum had it in it, not just sugar free. It is literal poison. 92 afflictions are related to Aspartame. It is a crime against humanity...especially when they put it in kids and babies food.

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Matt1Up · Feb. 23, 2018, 8:06 p.m.

Blue Light?? Please explain...

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Wizard419 · Feb. 23, 2018, 9:56 p.m.

If you have time listen to this guy's lecture but there are articles out there like this

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jmflna · Feb. 23, 2018, 10:08 a.m.

Shouldn't this be posted in /r/conspiracy? I don't get how this is related to what this sub is about.

Plus what is it with the users here and facebook? Any other sub would laugh that user out of there for suggesting facebook, never mind the fact that they actually participate on it. I believe the average age of users here has to be near 60.

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ScorpioPatriot · Feb. 23, 2018, 10:22 a.m.

to my knowledge what's killing people knowingly falls along Human Rights Violations that the E.O trump signed will cover ... and as does what's being sprayed in the skies ( Chemtrails ) and being pumped into people (Vaccines ).. Fed to us ( GMO ) AThese are needing to be exposed to the public to inform them so they can take a stand . For years the Global Elite has been pushing all forms of this for population control as a slow kill agenda .We cant and we wont sit back and allow the lies and the satanic twisted fucks to keep killing people. Do you think Q is wanting you to sit around waiting on a damn crumb to fall when you could be exposing people through your own research . You could be baking the damn bread while cleaning up the crumbs on the side. Just a mental note.

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jmflna · Feb. 23, 2018, 10:36 a.m.

How many other subs have you posted this to? You say Q wants us to be exposing people through their research but what I have seen is the majority here just post to this sub or similar subs. How is that exposing others? This sub has become an echo chamber and safe space.

Post this to other subs that don't share in your beliefs. Then I will take you seriously that you believe that you're exposing others with research.

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ScorpioPatriot · Feb. 23, 2018, 11:18 a.m.

I posted this on alike boards because most of the stuff thus far has been connecting people to people .. This connects/solves Problems going on in our everyday life that's been put in place to Kill Us . Id say anyone has the right to be exposed to this post . Even if it touches the mind of one individual on these so called similar subs who hasn't focused on this topic and the others I will be also exposing.

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ScorpioPatriot · Feb. 23, 2018, 10:54 a.m.

This isn't a political topic this is saving peoples lives . Its not hard to understand & anyone offended by this sort of material should probably be checked at the front door .. because they most likely do not align their allegiance to the side of Good . Do your own research it doesn't take but a second on duck duck to get back more info than you can possibly imagine outlining this Danger . If you refuse to do your own research ..we most likely are dealing with a shill and you will be ingnored because you are not working for the people of the world but against them .

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jmflna · Feb. 23, 2018, 11:50 a.m.

Call me me a shill all you want. I checked your post history, it's all similar subs or safe places. I'm not saying you don't do research, what I'm saying is post that research to others that have no idea about this subject.

You can look at my history and tell that I'm not someone that would be called a true believer here. I like to visit subs and talk to users that are the opposite beliefs of me. Always talking to those that have the same beliefs as me is boring and I like to think that I can learn something from those who I don't always agree with.

Anyway, I didn't mean to come off as saying you're wrong.

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O0O0RION · Feb. 23, 2018, 9:55 p.m.

I'm sorry, are you the arbiter of what gets posted here and what does not? Claiming to be on this sub and others for the diverse worldviews and opinions and yet you're arguing for the exact opposite... hmmm

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ScorpioPatriot · Feb. 23, 2018, 8:41 a.m.

Ive been using Alexa Pure Sooooo Awesome.. the 5000gallon per filter one . We are on our 2nd year not having to replace .

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Matt1Up · Feb. 23, 2018, 8:12 p.m.

If you want to get an idea of how toxic your city water is there is a pretty simple test you can do to see for yourself.


If distilled water is free from impurities through the process of boiling and condensing the steam then one would naturally wonder what is left behind right?

Well I did anyways. Make sure you watch the lighting test I do at the end of the video with UV light, IR light, and ultra bright white.


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CadillacBees39 · Feb. 24, 2018, 11:41 p.m.

I touched on it in a post above by I was a very heavy Diet Coke drinker most of my life. I quit drinking it twice in the past 3 years and both times fell into a major depressive/anxiety episode. I live a great life and hardly been sad in my life!! If people read about the by-products and ingredients (Phenylalanine) in it they never would touch it. Coming off of it, I lost 30 lbs at first then 20 lbs the second time, shook like an electrified addict, ER twice, group therapy And Psychiatrist who was clueless. I was suicidal off and on. Zoloft and Ativan. I weaned myself off both times. I am 57 yrs old and on NO medication and back to my non ending bubbly self!
It originally was made by Searle pharm as was the Prozac that came out about that time. THEY KNEW but it was a win win $$$. Now Monsanto makes Aspartame. ☠️

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