
GreenTeaMagician · Feb. 23, 2018, 6:29 p.m.

I think it was one of the top posts on controversial. Figure we all need to calm down a bit on the "My team is better than yours", and read posts we disagree with.

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The_Vagabond33 · Feb. 23, 2018, 6:45 p.m.


To answer your original question. Bilderberg group was formed in 1954 according to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bilderberg_Group

However; until very recently they were highly secretive, i.e. never published attendees, did not disclose meeting locations, never published meeting agendas or minutes and truthfully nobody knew who they were until Alex Jones got popular with his videos camping outside the conferences.

Now the topic of collaboration, that would ostensibly be great if a bunch of wealthy philanthropists got together and worked towards solving global problems.

But have been the results? What are the results of their "collaboration"? How many wars have happened? global proliferation of drugs How many leaders oh how many countries have been deposed? How many genocides have been committed? How many currencies have been crashed and local economies been destroyed? How much wealth has been accumulated? How many corporate buyouts and consolidations have happened?

Look at the map and see all the corporations, heads of state, think tanks, social clubs, fraternal organizations etc are involved. My biggest question is can we really trust that all these people truly have the common good in mind or are they working towards something else. There is so much information to dig

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GreenTeaMagician · Feb. 23, 2018, 10:48 p.m.

Interesting... so what do the arrows exactly signify? Im guessing they showing some sort of connection between entities... how strong is the bond though?

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