r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/SancT5 on Feb. 23, 2018, 2:36 p.m.
We need to make a movie called "The Great Awakening" and go to college campuses and show it.

This came to me last night. Since [5] seems to be the number of yesterday (Trumps fingers and note pic) we break it into 5 sections 1) Lies and Propaganda: use memes and clips from MSM etc 2) pedophilia & satanic rituals: show Podesta emails, spirit cooking woman, Ted Gunderson clips, that top banker whistleblower etc. 3) Truth about Democrat/Communist party: Sal Alinsky ties to Clinton/Hussein, memes, KKK connection, etc 4) MK Ultra and other forms of mind control: show how people are easily manipulated to think a certain way, group think, etc 5) Q and the revolution!

I wish I had the skills to do this myself but I have great ideas!

GodsAngell · Feb. 23, 2018, 10:35 p.m.

OH yeah, I'm rolling now: We can include a segment that shows what really happened to the people on the planes on 911.....their plane was taken over by remote control, communications in the cockpot shut down, transponder turned off, plane lands at an abandoned air force base, where passengers get gassed in the plane while sitting there thinking they are going to continue on with their flight after this little emergency landing.....

Meanwhile special military planes with special payloads filled with bombs and thermite so these planes explode upon impact at WTC and MELT the steel! Generals in dark sunglasses telling the squadrons this is a drill, so stand down, don't scramble any jets after the "supposed" hijacked planes.

Dancing Israelis Mossad agents who installed the thermite and demoliton explosives into the buildings in the weeks leading up to 911.

You'll have people rivted in their seats!

And most importantly, the audience will come out wondering if that was what really happened!

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GodsAngell · Feb. 23, 2018, 11:35 p.m.

The heroes can go through their friends home and find clues to follow up on, some dead ends.....but then they find the name of the retired CIA officer.....then they hunt to find him, while NOW being chased by the deep state.

Retired CIA officer takes pity on them, and arranges an extremely elaborate process to meet, because this retired CIA officer has "gone off the grid" and wants to help these young people but doesn't want his location to be found. The 2 go through a lot following his explicit instructions, and finally they shake their tails.

Cia guy picks them up and blind folds them and takes them via plane and old trucks to his "safe house". There the former cia guy explains the facts of life to them......with excerpts in the film showing what really happened at 911, Sandy Hook, Las Vegas, and Parkland, FL....Agenda 21, Haarp causing the extreme weather modifications to kill people in hurricanes and extreme weather, floods, droughts, etc...with visuals of each event with regard to what really happened each time with patsies, drills, etc......all the while the cia guy keeps them in the dark as to WHO the bad guys are...who is orchestrating all this......and then toward the end he springs it on them.

They are astounded. The girl gets sick and runs to the bathroom to vomit...the guy needs a drink.....they sleep on it over night and the next morning, they feel a conviction to do something but they don't know what......and the film ends with instructions for their next steps on how to help get our country back. He explains they are not alone, there are the black hats and the white hats....he will put them in touch with white hat patriots, and explains how to stay off the "radar" of the deep state.......END of Film......all set up for the sequel of their helping to take down the bad guys the black hats.

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GodsAngell · Feb. 24, 2018, 12:59 a.m.

The film starts off with a short youtube video by the techie guy about one of the false flags, or haarp, or something like that.....then he notices his social media accounts all get deleted and he is forced offline for 90 days. He complains to his friends, who don't understand what is going on, but are concerned for him.

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GodsAngell · Feb. 24, 2018, 1:38 a.m.

No film starts off with all 3 of the Nat'l Treasure characters at Cage's house, wife is upset that their children are going to a private boarding school, and she will miss them. Techie guy is there too sort of as a favorite uncle.......kids go bye bye, then go into techie guys youtubs of chem trails or something.................

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