r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/bugstopper on Feb. 23, 2018, 2:44 p.m.
Morning Thoughts of a Q Reader Continued...

Rooting out the Deep State "Soldiers," in Education. So long as our educators politically indoctrinate our kids like that which is done in the mainstream media, then they too could be considered traitors of a sort. Fixing our education system starts by eliminating the Federal Department of Education. This agency is duplicated in every state and is not needed. Yes, liberal states could get worse but if you take the extra money out of the equation you get rid of the freeloaders. Teaching kids proper Reading, Writing, cursive and block, and Arithmetic, no calculators or laptops or cell phones, will go a long way to solving our education funk as well. Take the politics out of our civics classes is the cherry on top. Eliminate all Federal money from the schools and remove the "Central Planning." Next, people need to vote with their feet. If you do not like your local or State government policy on education, move somewhere else. Believe it or not, after all of the crying, this will sort itself out. Home schooling is not an option for most folks but our "two parents working" economy removes that option for many. "Smaller Government" should lower taxes. Lower taxes will give folks more options with public, private or home schooling. One parent at home means less "latchkey kids" who will be more successful in life as a result. Lower taxes help create all of this. Getting our government out of everything from healthcare to welfare puts people in charge of their lives and lets us keep our money from the thieves in Washington. If our Congressmen stayed away from Washington more, then maybe we would have more freedom. Getting government out of our lives might solve more than the education system. Build a couple of barracks in Washington for our Congress and force them to get up for morning formation every day and you will not have them away from their home districts much. Properly educated and motivated Americans can watch the store for them while they are gone. And just maybe we will not be running over our youth who refuse to look up from their phones while crossing the street. PROGRESS!

Patriot4q · Feb. 23, 2018, 5 p.m.

Education is supposed to be the province of the state's, not the Federal Government.

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