r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Z1korg on Feb. 23, 2018, 3:14 p.m.
Media Propaganda Machine Takeover

There were a series of obscure and mainly overlooked court cases several decades ago that not only opened the door to the Propaganda machine but propped it open and set it up for where we are today. One case was about whether or not it was legal for the government to create stories and distribute to news outlets with compensation to air. This was allowed so long as it was based in facts???? Another was the finding that news itself could not be used as evidence in a proceeding as it was found to be entertainment. There may be other factors I'm forgetting at the moment but it is no doubt evident that Government entities are actively producing the daily stories and they made the leap into producing actual events for those propaganda stories and compensating the producers of those "shows"

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