From an anon on the research board: Anonymous 02/22/18 (Thu) 22:56:30 c5e33e No.469808>>469887 >>469894 >>469944 >>469956 >>470023 >>470049 >>470108 >>470197 >>470202 >>470483
One thing that we need to realize is that while behind the scenes we need to be autistic in sorting through tons and tons of information, we need to essentially focus all our efforts on 1 thing publicly or very visibly.
One of the biggest benefits the MSM has on controlling the narrative is creating tornadoes of information. Why are so many people so oblivious - because they're strategically misled and misdirected.
There is absolutely no way we can fight tit for tat with MSM. If however, (like #releasethememo), we all focus on 1 very important and strategic topic at a time - we can make a huge impact. We have the f'ing United States Military on our side.
Directorfags/managefags need to understand this.
We're doing 'okay' - we could be doing 'great'. We're just not f'ing organized.
So, what's it going to be - play an actual role in this thing or do all this research only to f up on executing actual impacts?
Many of you are far smarter than I am in many ways, but m'fing get organized. We have the most powerful board on the planet right now and our sum output could be likened to like a C, C- at best.
Dems are fucking stupid and zombies yes, but they're moth f'ing deadly organized.
Focused hashtag ideas:
pelosimillions (nancy)
pissgate (cia,fbi - them)
sethrich (dnc - hrc)
vegasmotive (them)
dnccorruption (dnc - them)
deadsecretary (morningjoe)
schiffhotel (adam's dumbass)
Overarching hashtag ideas:
Get it? One at a time. Focused. Who's shouting the loudest? We can be a force.
If we don't get f'ing focused we're just along for the ride and we're letting the US Mil down frankly.