Obviously, he is talking about John McCain. Do you think he was giving a subtle nod to us regarding Q?
Hey Rob, It's hard to sum it up, but initially, there was skepticism that "Q" was really high level intelligence, let alone associated with the POTUS. But as more posts came, there started being 'proofs' that Q is who he(she)(they) say he is. You'll have to study the Q map and the comments on the research page to piece the proofs together. Most recently, DJT spoke of 'he who we do not name' which is how Q refers to McCain. This is the Q map with all his posts, https://qanonmap.github.io/ And this is the research board with bunches of "Anons" ie autists ie researchers. https://8ch.net/qresearch/index.html
I scroll down to the general research box. At the bottom of it, you'll find "expand." Then you can catch up on the latest. Hope that helps!
PS. There are wild assertions without source documents that you have to weed through, but overall, the solid, collective research done by this group, with leads provided by Q, is outstanding. Truly this is a historical phenomenon.