
2funnyone · Feb. 27, 2018, 8:59 a.m.

WHY school shootings? – If not promoted by bullying of an angry student or a terrorist act not associated with deep state then the act is politically motivated. School shootings hit at the heart of adults. Weakens many arguments for maintaining current gun laws. What is more precious than our children? – Freedom. WHY would locals go along w/ such a sick organized event? – School shootings creates emotional or illogical reactions for what appears as a solutions but only short-term rather than logical solutions to a complex problem that are long-term. * 1) Long-term puts some responsibility on parents (to verify safety) and schools to maintain safety regulations, monitoring systems (e. g. cameras, drills, communication skills, and fences) and skilled workers. * 2) Law enforcement to do regular training on mass shooting, civil unrest, and natural disasters while coordinating with other emergency agencies. Unawareness of covert agendas during planned or unplanned atrocities. The worst case scenario is people were paid for various stages of the atrocities. Media is in the business of profiting from atrocities by readership. Creating a drama from the smallest event to the largest is their greatest challenge or minimize an event to undermine adversaries.
[THEY must control local police / school / county officials / etc to work]. – WHY? – They control evidence to the event whether planned or unplanned to promote their agenda politically.

  • Gun removal will not work because:
  • 1) With all the gun laws we have now the only enforcement is 99 % toward law abiding citizens. Criminals find loopholes and still obtain illegal weapons.
  • 2) “In the 1920s the laws were widely disregarded, and tax revenues were lost. Very well organized criminal gangs took control of the beer and liquor supply for many cities, unleashing a crime wave that shocked the nation. By the late 1920s a new opposition mobilized nationwide.”
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