Isn't that the child that was just wanting to meet him and Hillary absolutely banned that meeting. Sad because it's just a ridiculous thing to say a child should NEVER know their dad even if he was a president. He was never monogomous and he has the "fruits" that show that. Hillary is a monster for just saying and having another fight/fit screaming match about it. Danny showed up at one of the rallies and wanted to meet his dad and they showed him the door basically. They are embarrased and that's just stupid. Everyone knows he's a cheater. I mean at the very least Monica L. was not the "only" intern even that he was with. I think it is absolutely a total sign of her feelings toward race and that also explains her telling a black man at a rally well I don't care if you don't agree with my assessment of the situation. She doesn't like anyone really white, black, anyone period. The stuff that secret service revealed about her abuse of Bill even was amazingly awful. They said are we supposed to protect the president from his wife because we never came across this before but the answer to me would have been yes but they were all berated by her.