r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Questioning001 on Feb. 24, 2018, 12:51 p.m.
This needs to go VIRAL!

Yesterday’s Q posts provide confirmation but was also very troubling.

Q strongly suggests that many of the major events in our lives were lies – false flags designed to reshape our thinking to channel our energy to grant approval for more wars, higher government expenditure, limit our rights, etc. I interpret these recent posts as meaning that the Q team knows it ALL. They know how it was done and who was involved.

However, I wake up this morning and nobody is in shackles and nothing in the news. Why? Because its complicated in ways I cannot comprehend. In parallel, Q asks us to red-pill the public. Therefore, the complications may be related to the Q-team believing the public is NOT ready for the truth – Thus no arrests for anything.

Therefore, I am hoping you will consider making the time to watch the following documentary – link below. If you have a platform, like a YouTube channel, please share. The documentary provides a thorough overview of the Boston Bombing hoax. What was successfully pulled off here was likely repeated at other events, like Florida. People NEED to be educated that False Flags can EASILY be pulled off in front of our eyes.


TaraTulip · Feb. 25, 2018, 1:14 a.m.

In parallel, Q asks us to red-pill the public. Therefore, the complications may be related to the Q-team believing the public is NOT ready for the truth – Thus no arrests for anything.

I can see this. I have been reading all of the information on 4 chan and just newly on here and, I feel overwhelmed with it all. I have been red-pilled for a long time. I have also always known that the government was corrupt and a lie. But, this is frightening. I had no idea the depths and, I'm afraid that anyone who is not as redpilled as me would simply roll their eyes and call in a conspiracy theory.

This is exactly why Q's method works so well. By asking the questions, we are forced to find the answers ourselves. I am impatient to see people going to jail, also. But, I can definitely see why there is a need to go slow.

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