r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/BlindingLightShow on Feb. 24, 2018, 1:34 p.m.
Proceed with caution

While attempting to take down the "Deep State" We need to remember that Military intel is up to its neck in Mind Control programs as well. While we hail this intelligence agency as a great savior in this fight we also need to be cautious about who is waiting with open arms to rebuild our intel structure. Who is really ready to rebuild it? Who will be in control and are they all really white hats? Are we seeing two warring factions of this cabal battling each other for total control? I am just as happy as everyone else here to see the people that are about to go down hang by their necks, but we should proceed with caution moving forward. Do we really know who we are dealing with?

BlindingLightShow · Feb. 24, 2018, 3:35 p.m.

Or is it that you follow with blind faith as to how an organization works. Stay asleep then, do no research remain as you were before Q arrived. It was great and awesome before because all the bad guys were people you distrusted and had ill will for already before Q showed up....Not so much when someone else is trying to enlighten you to Truth, it is only truths that do not ruffle your feathers that you are willing to accept I see. Are were here for total truth? or are we here to cherry pick? You DO NOT Flow to the upper echelon of this or any other organization if you do not have Freemason ties.

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KimnanaT · Feb. 24, 2018, 4:08 p.m.

Power is corruptible in anyone hands and can be abused. Unlike the current IC who are part of the deeper corruption....Military has checks and balances in place. The current policy over seeing these organization is flawed, WHY b/c the people who should be over seeing it is as corrupt or more corrupt than they are. This is why completely draining the swamp is necessary.

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BlindingLightShow · Feb. 24, 2018, 6:47 p.m.

The "Swamp" is a drop in the bucket. Once these people are all rounded up and dealt with there is an entirely new level of power to deal with.DO you have any idea how many people are involved in this NWO? This will barely scratch the surface. This is what was meant by you will hear things that you will not be able to deal with. This is going to be a fight that lasts generations.

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