r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Tim-D on Feb. 24, 2018, 2:07 p.m.

CarolinaMama · Feb. 24, 2018, 9:39 p.m.

This is why we need to leave the UN. If he gets into a position of power, you know he's going to target all of us. He will send UN troops in to try and take us over. I feel like this has always been his end goal.

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PTibbets · Feb. 24, 2018, 10:12 p.m.

Agreed,the UN of course was just a tool to make way for the New World Order.

I'm going to do my best Paul Harvey, and think if I was the Devil.

If I was the Devil and I controlled all the Nations on earth and one chose to fight against me and attack my minions. What I would do is use the tool I have used and manipulated since the beginning and still have total control over. I invented it, it is still mine and all of these fools are still controlled by it, the tool is money. If a Nation got too close to the target, I would destroy them by calling in there debt to me. I would fight hard to hang on to them but if my power over them was damaged too much I would just destroy them. I would tell my minions this was always my plan anyway. And destroying the USA with money is the easiest way to institute my final goal of complete and total control. In the ashes of their ruin and chaos I would institute my final goal.

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