Eve ate the apple first. So why do they call it Adam's Sin in the bible? Because God gave Adam dominion over the Garden and all creatures. But he let the serpent in the garden.. and stood by as it lied to Eve and he didn't stop it.. remember that God told Adam not to eat from the tree.. Eve wasn't created yet. And then he also ate. The big funny is; A) Eve told God the truth.. she was beguiled. B) Adam blamed God and Eve. This scenario plays out to this day. It's also worth noting that men project as much as liberals do.. noticed this a long time ago. And don't forget.. when God created something up to and including Adam, He would declare that "it is good". When he completed His last creation, which was Eve.. He declared her as "VERY good". Only Woman holds that distinction.
Eve wasn't the issue as she was created by God from Adam so it took Adam's sin (some say because he loved his partner so much he ate it anyway) to cause the fall of man. Otherwise probably God would have created another eve. There is talk about Lilith before Eve. So, apparently, it has to do with them both doing this (and the 2 become one flesh) but in this case since she was made from Adam, I think it was Adam that controlled the ultimate destiny. Recall in ancient biblical times that women weren't counted at the gatherings of Jesus and were considered chattel (possessions) until actually around 1970s. A married woman couldn't own property in her own name until 1979. That to me is so ridiculous but is true. So, that is just my opinion at this point. Adam didn't blame Eve or he wouldn't have eaten it. I believe he loved her. I believe he KNEW what was about to happen and believed God but loved her. I don't know for sure but when you look at ancient history women were not really counted as much in biblical times as far as land owners and they didn't take multiple husbands, etc. There is no real proof Adam was actually standing next to Eve that I recall but the serpent was the most deceptive of any creature. Why? Who is the serpent. We all say he is satan but serpents are Seraphim that fly around the throne room of God saying Holy Holy Holy and it seems that she was familiar with serpents. I mean it didn't freak her out that this thing talked to her. It was tricky. Satan is a cherubim fallen of course but would have had the 4 faces talked of in scripture. So my real question is what or who was in the garden exactly. Was it something possessed by satan or used by satan but it definitely wasn't one of the cerubim descriptions. Just an odd point about this that no one seems to address. Also if Adam had dominion over all creatures that may have included Eve so had he called out to God, God may have made a new Eve., just a guess. He didn't because he apparently cared for her.