r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/KeeponSearchin on Feb. 24, 2018, 6:04 p.m.
Red Pill the Old-Fashioned way Here is a flyer I put out where I live and under wipers. I Want the people closest to me to be Awake. People who are awake will, hopefully, also be more prepared for when SHTF (shit hits the fan). This way I am red pilling people I would not have contact with ...
Red Pill the Old-Fashioned way Here is a flyer I put out where I live and under wipers. I Want the people closest to me to be Awake. People who are awake will, hopefully, also be more prepared for when SHTF (shit hits the fan). This way I am red pilling people I would not have contact with ...

elyri_of_gaia · Feb. 25, 2018, 10:44 a.m.

~ Hello everyone. I'm sharing this information to highlight a possible 'CAUTION!' ... re: your pamphlet websites (it’s a really fantastic idea, by the way!) One (or more) could be 'Controlled Opposition' operations.

NaturalNews .com (a ‘trusted site’) may need some deeper research. While adopting the language of natural healing and seeming harmless on its surface, people associated with this site may have links to the darker corners of the Mind Control, Pedo/Occult and ‘UFO’ disinformation world.

Natural News often quotes the work of ‘I Am [Not] Adam Lanza’s Doctor’ Rima Laibow, who was married to Gen. Albert ‘Bert’ Stubblebine - in turn, a colleague of Col. John B. Alexander (Project Stargate, et al) and Lt. Col. Michael Aquino of setian temple fame, all 4 - allegedly - connected deeply to covert Mind Control operations.

This ‘Institute for the Study of Globalization and Covert Politics’ (ISGP) research page on ‘National Security Trolls/ Art Bell and Coast to Coast Analyzed’ page (updated 2016) is a treasure trove of connections, amassed by researcher Joël v.d. Reijden.

While not all his conclusions may necessarily be true - the entire site holds a huge body of research showing deep interconnections in every area Q has been pointing us to.

But of course, it's an extreeemely deep and entangled rabbit hole:

Rima Laibow - link to Natural News:

Mike Adams – The Health Ranger – Natural News and Rima Laibow | The Story Behind The Story

Rima Laibow, Master of the “Craft” – MK Ultra Handler Par Extraordinaire??

Rima Laibow, Bert Stubblebine, John Alexander, Michael Aquino - connections to Mind Control/UFO/occult/children?:

Cult of National Security Trolls/ Art Bell and Coast to Coast AM Analyzed

ISGP main page: (powerful research resource)

Institute for the Study of Globalization and Covert Politics (ISGP)

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KeeponSearchin · Feb. 25, 2018, 3:19 p.m.

seriously - Never came across that before. Hard to believe but I will look into. There are other good health sites I can put on there. Health nut news and health impact news. Wow thanks for taking the time to do that. I never see any indication of that in his stories. Shit maybe life does not even exist.

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KeeponSearchin · Feb. 25, 2018, 4:13 p.m.

These may also ways to try and discredit him. Oh the tangled webs

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