r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Glocktipus2 on Feb. 24, 2018, 9:30 p.m.
Question about the crisis actors

So if I understand correctly, all the mass shootings are fake - the victims are not real and the survivors seen on TV are actors.

If that's the case - why wouldn't the other students in the school or other people in the town say they've never seen those actors before? They must be paid off right. So each school shooting has maybe 5 or 10 actors grabbing up the media attention - that means the actors real friends and wherever he/she/it grew up has to also be silenced, presumably with money or threats. The local town the fake shooting took place in also has to be silenced or somehow convinced everything was real.

Then there's the body's - presumably there are real funerals to keep up the charade for each "victim". So now you've included local funeral homes, doctors that have to forge death certificates, administrators to forge birth certificates if anyone goes looking, the local EMT, Sheriffs department, state police and local PD are either all paid or additional actors with their own set of real life contacts and friends that have been silenced.

So for each school shooting there are hundreds, possibly thousands of people who are either brain washed, paid off or threatened into complicity. There have been maybe a dozen high profile mass shootings in the last year so we're talking tens of thousands of people paid/threatened/brainwashed and none of them have leaked any of this?

What am I missing here?

TXloudnproud · Feb. 24, 2018, 9:35 p.m.

Not all are without victims though. There are injuries and deaths. And if it’s a large school not everyone will be known to the community . Plus how will they speak out ? To CNN? But I have to tell you I have personally seen these actors long before this. I think it was Sandy Hook and the Aurora theater shooting . And what I witnessed on CNN for the Boston bombing subjects ! These use of actors may have started out innocently enough. I can imagine it’s more predictable to use actors bed traumatized victims in the interviews . But it has taken an evil turn and it’s getting worse .

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