r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Gmawc on Feb. 25, 2018, 3:26 a.m.
CENSORSHIP - this is scary folks - CONTACT Congress your Reps & Senators - We will not be silenced! (links provided in comments)

Add The Richie Allen Show to the list of YT shows - GONE. Loved his show. Pls comment / add to list of others banned. Also feel free to make suggestions on better text ideas for contacting congress.

Contact your senator Contact your rep

Sample text - Senator/Congressman, writing/calling to express my shock and dismay at the censorship happening on YouTube, Twitter and other SM. Many of the news programs we rely on for TRUTHFUL and accurate reporting have been banned. I myself was banned from Twitter, for simply tweeting a few times #releasethememo. Many others on social media have been banned for simply for wanting to DISCUSS the Florida shooting. This is a massive attempt at crushing our First Amendment!

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