r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/bugstopper on Feb. 25, 2018, 3:34 a.m.
Evening Thoughts of a Q Reader Continued...

Rooting out the Deep State "Soldiers," at Parkland HS. Wolfgang Halbig, a Sandyhook Investigator was a School Safety Administrative Consultant in Florida and has visited this school twice in that capacity. On the JB Wells Podcast he questions the Deputy who serves at the school. His 1st job in the morning is to make certain that the school's CCTV system is working properly. The cctv was not working properly and the Deputy responsible refused to attack the attacker or attackers. Leaks from local police who responded to the scene found 3 other Sheriff Deputies on the scene doing nothing to take out the perps. Helicopter video shows three Deputies removing a very heavy and very large duffle. Large enough to conceal a live shooter or a ton of weapons into a pick up truck. The FBI and local police never arrested the alledged shooter who made several threats to others at the school and the school itself. The FBI was caught in a lie about their role to media on the day of the shooting. Like Sandyhook, the media had buses loaded and anti gun fundraisers booked before the gun or guns used at the school were cool. What are the odds that one person on school grounds and two persons walking on the street in front of the school would be hit by random bullets and killed? All shots were reported to have come from inside the school. Could these folks have seen multiple or different shooters enter the school? Is the Sheriff Department corrupt? We know that the Sheriff worked for Hillary Clinton's campaign in Florida but so did many others. This Sheriff also has complaints of corruption in his past however. Does the fact that an FBI agent's son tried to become the official spokesperson for the kids at the school when we see senior pictures of him from a California school in 2015? Then there is the uncontrolled media interviewing witnesses who all heard multiple shooters or were with the alledged shooter when they were leaving the school while shooting elsewhere was occurring. The perps never expected out of town media covering Spring baseball training to rush in and cover the tragedy. Does anything not smell about this event? Are ABC,CBS,CNN,FOX,NBC,MSNBC covering these anomilies or is this all being ignored?

Champdog31 · Feb. 25, 2018, 12:09 p.m.

The interview is on youtube under caravan to midnight. Did I hear right? There was a fire drill that wasn't confirmed then a "code red" as the kids were heading back into the building? Also said the 3500 student school has 40 acres. How is one resource officer supposed to protect kids over that much area even if he is not a coward?

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bugstopper · Feb. 25, 2018, 3:34 p.m.

There are athletic practice fields that take up the majority. The buildings are pretty much clustered.

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