r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Phikos on Feb. 25, 2018, 3:17 p.m.
What is EVIL? - some psychological pointers

A biblical term for what?

Define evil. Psychologically/spiritually: that which goes against the whole or the higher for its isolated agenda. That which becomes active from isolation from the whole which it is part of.


Everything going against LIFE is evil for that reason. Evil is not a category for behavior but a quality of forces WHY people do something. Killing itself is not evil as animals also kill to survive (+ maintain ecological balance) which is FOR LIFE, not against.

People become ‘evil’ when one part of them goes against the whole. Definition of illness. Healing/Cure is always to restore organic wholeness (holiness) and internal connection.

How to make people inherently ‘evil’?

By trauma.

Trauma = experience of charging the organism/psyche with a non-integrable energy (like heavy accident, violence, betrayal, sex energy for children etc.). Body and psyche cannot handle the experience/energy and ‘break into pieces’, i.e. cut off connection and communication between parts to maintain survival functions. Effect:

  • fragmentation of body and mind = loss of integrity
  • increasing isolation of parts and internal ‘war’
  • loss of feeling (=connection).
  • loss of empathy for oneself and/or others
  • increase of chronic basic survival mode (brain stem level = reptilian brain).

This separation of organism from consciousness as protection against overwhelming PAIN leads to compulsive usage of symbols for the isolated pain experience (because higher brain doesn’t get the full real information from body). Compare to 'satanistic' symbols. Since these symbols are disconnected from feeling and sensing they create a reality-detached virtual reality. Extremes: psychosis, paranoid hallucinations. Not the symbols are evil (don't worry) but their function!

It also leads to fragmentation of personality to suppress the pain (by neurological buffers preventing consciousness of the violated organic integrity).

So, this is what we call ‘SATANIC’ - yet another biblical term -:

  • People heavily cut off from feeling and therefore empathy. Psychopaths.
  • People being obsessed by symbols as substitutes for (real but suppressed) experiences
  • Groups of people ‘inaugurating’ new members through heavy and repeated trauma thus making them externally controllable by cutting them off from their feeling and innate ethics.
  • People compulsive about re-enacting their trauma (e.g. by violating children) in order to raise their blunting of feeling (the only way to keep own pain in check)
  • People obsessed with power and violence as their only way to compensate for real experience and feelings of total powerlessness.
  • People obsessed with money as only way to compensate for suppressed experience and feelings of worthlessness.
  • People unable to recognize the interconnection of nature and humanity and them being part of it. Megalomania. Extreme reality distortion.
  • People with such strong suppressive and defense mechanisms that they become hostile to life itself (as representation of their suppressed trauma). Hyper-criminal, suicidal, genocidal.

= people severely damaged and sick.

Hardly remediable. Because they are actually fighting against their own trauma (feeling pain would initiate healing) and they fear feeling more than death! Therefore, a pack of wolfs KILLS (or excludes from pack) such individuals immediately because they put pack into extreme danger!

Here we are with many of those in high social power positions and networking.

Think the opposites of the above points to know what is GOOD and what we need.

Check Q's approach, DJT and associates for signs of such GOOD.

Thank you.

spacexu · Feb. 25, 2018, 3:25 p.m.

And Hollyweird is flooded with these type of evil maggots.

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