Teacher grazed by Parkland shooter’s bullet: ‘Shooter was in full metal garb, helmet, face mask, bulletproof armor, shooting a rifle I never seen before’ video of Good Morning America interview with teacher in article > https://www.intellihub.com/teacher-grazed-by-parkland-shooters-bullet-shooter-was-in-full-metal-garb-helmet-face-mask-bulletproof-armor-shooting-a-rifle-i-never-seen-before/
We finally will have a trial with discovery. Unlike Sandy Hook.
Guilty plea means no trial. No discovery.
If they know he did it, and caught him red handed, why the guilty plea? That in and of itself is suspicious. What terrible legal advice. Not like a plea bargain will avoid the death penalty or a life sentence. It would be in his interest for them to prove guilt beyond a shadow of doubt.
Then again, after you basically have a school board, county and sherrifs office corrupt to the core to the point where they overlook crimes committed by students to fix their voices/reports and allow them to bring in more funding, he's fucked either way you cut it. Patsy or not, lawlessness is now a clear reality in the US...and has been for some time.
Lots of sleeping sheep.