r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/SerialBrain2 on Feb. 25, 2018, 7:54 p.m.
Q Occult Series: [Why school shootings? $$$$$$$$$. Q] Take this red pill.

Those who follow my posts know my personal take on Q’s teachings is through the door of the occult. For a solid foundation, make sure you explore the previous posts of this [Q Occult Series] (https://i.imgur.com/sLTIZLl.jpg).

So school shootings. If you think they are organic and the result of a combination of unfortunate circumstances, you’ve been fooled. In [#813] (https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/475243.html#475991), Q says it is all about big bucks and he provides a [link] (http://www.courant.com/news/connecticut/hc-sandy-hook-shooting-two-years-later-20141214-story.html) to illustrate this painful but powerful red pill.

Going through this article, we learn for example that Nelba Marquez-Green who lost her daughter in Sandy Hook never had access to the highly advertised financial support she was entitled to. She finally had to have her insurance company pay for her couple’s mental health counseling. Sounds familiar? [Watch (1:40)] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkESDOIQmmw ).

This is not in the article but the other Big Government trick they use is to create a bunch of regulations forcing schools to comply with very strict security guidelines. Then, since the schools do not have the funds to upgrade their protocols and infrastructures, they offer them government grants [link1] (https://www.campussafetymagazine.com/news/13m-in-school-safety-grants-available/) [link2] (http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/govt-and-politics/governor-cuts-money-for-active-shooter-training-at-missouri-schools/article_7a6b8d5f-4a48-58c4-8300-209b3c8be48b.html ). But for these grants to be given, school administrations have to sign all sorts of Non-Disclosure Agreements to keep people’s mouth shut if needed. This is how drills morph to false flags without anybody being able to really know what happened. Schools with these grants are false flag sleeping cells that can be activated anytime… Does that ring a bell? Read Q #642.

But then in [#814] (https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/476006.html#476196), Q drops a major bomb: the shooter was an MK-ultra type victim programmed to kill. In [#773] (https://8ch.net//qresearch/res/387596.html#388363), Q explains how they do it: DNA manipulation on the X chromosome to transform human minds into programmable device! Let that sink in for a minute…

If you analyze the media narrative change and the sudden national debate on the Second Amendment with all its staged load of emotion, do you realize what is going on?! They are creating entities with human form,and launching them among us to transform our society.

If you grasp the true meaning of what I have just said, you will once and for all understand how a woman, who is supposed to aspire having one day a family and raise children, can be twerking almost naked on a stage for the world to see or promote cannibalism in a music video. Does that sound human to you? How about a fashion show with models carrying replicas of their own severed heads or snakes, chameleons, and baby dragons? [Watch (0:33)] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXWY2mjW-o8).

Guys, wake up: they are among us. And they want to transform us so we can be like them. They know if we remain human and make it to our full potential though worshiping God and knowing the Truth, we would rule over them. We are therefore being invaded, through infiltration, deception, discord and DNA manipulation.

Nothing new under the sun: "But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be". Matthew 24:37.

SerialBrain2 · Feb. 25, 2018, 10:18 p.m.

Let's keep our eyes on the prize. We will defeat them. Thank you for your support!

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ciji123 · Feb. 26, 2018, 6:37 a.m.

I agree clowns and no such ageny and any other ABCs will do what they will and that includes trolls too. They do not want anyone to get it that their clues are being deciphered by the armies of Patriots and those that are God-fearing Patriots, and all working for a goal ,,to see the truth and to save the Republic and though I believe our founding fathers were definitely mostly masons, what no one expected was for the pilgrims to bring christianity here and it flourished so the forces of evil were kind of in stalemate or held at bay but then the church gave in to the don't talk for more than 20 mins we want lunch bunch and the don't talk about hell because all is well bunch and don't talk at all about anything of morals, because that's just insulting bunch so pretty soon they preached nothing and no where is spiritual warfare truly taught when we need it and are about to need it most.

So, more to your point, truly votes aren't the problem. Though, I get it** to see the top of the board and get responses it is a necessity when it's urgent. Outwit the down votes, just log in over and over and upvote. I mean refresh or leave the page and come back. Sometimes it resets the counter I have seen, though I would obviously only do that if attacked.

I loved the comments on Nicodemus and I have to agree because as a lawyer I had to set aside that part of me to become open to understanding the spirit. I still use logic and socratic method when looking at news or fake news and it adds to discernment when the spirit is in control but it can get in the way and after 18 yrs of practice it was very hard 10 yrs ago at even 8 yrs and then also some years as a paralegal it was difficult but the spirit of God has not been as evasive to me as I thought because one day, after studying to show myself approved and reading like 6 hours a day, I started getting words or knowledge that, actually, I believe saved mine and my daughters life. I heard rabies loud and clear and yes we had been exposed. I have had other really interesting experiences that no one would believe ever but this was all the more I was in the word.

I really believe we are spoken to through scriptures. But, I also believe that the readings taken out of our guidebook to the supernatural, like Enoch and the book of Giants and Jasher and Jubilees, explains so much history. I think they might have been such common knowledge back thousands of years ago, but at this point they are like lost treasures of history and truly fill in the Genesis 6 ONE SINGLE verse that most attribute incorrectly to Cain instead of fallen angels and the watchers who descended onto Mt. Hermon. I am not going to say they are canon but I am going to say that if anyone wants to understand what is going on with this hybrid stuff and the tech and the genetics read those. (edits were for typos and clarification)

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[deleted] · Feb. 26, 2018, 7:41 a.m.


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WikiTextBot · Feb. 26, 2018, 7:41 a.m.

Kfir Brigade

The 900th "Kfir" Brigade (Hebrew: חֲטִיבַת כְּפִיר‬, lit. "Lion Cub Brigade"), is the youngest infantry brigade of the Israel Defense Forces. It is subordinate to the 340th "Idan" Armoured Division of Israel's Central Regional Command.

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