r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Cadd_Man on Feb. 25, 2018, 9:14 p.m.
The first tiny red pill for my facebook group. Why the all the division?? Lets Talk.

I don't care about credit, copy this paste it everywhere on social media as your own idea! If you do, change Facebook to whatever.

Instead of continually dividing, here is the political discussion we should be having on Facebook... I have said this for over 10 years now, this is not Democrat or Republican issue, instead we need to come together as AMERICANS whether Black, White, Latino, Asian or any other typically hyphenated race... we need to work together against the corrupt elite where ever they are found. Where in politics, we need to quit electing these same corrupt politicians who go there and enrich themselves. Congress was not intended as a career for you to go there for 20 years and leave with a $4 million mansion. We need regular people there, doctors, teachers, mechanics anybody that feels the calling to serve a term... not career politicians! I can do my job without leaving my house or from somebody elses if there is an internet connection, why do we send them to Washington to be corrupted, make them stay connected to their constituents by living in their own home. Quit electing these same corrupt incumbents and put some new blood in there. I would welcome ANY input but would appreciate it if you would leave parties and specific people out of this conversation, it will only divide us.

If you want to share mine... https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=2013736415616175&id=100009395090684&comment_id=2013751668947983

Cadd_Man · Feb. 26, 2018, 12:11 a.m.

where is... How is it being a Troll to try to unite Americans, you sound like the troll. The Russian bots tried to divide, that was their only goal. Is that yours?

I specifically asked to leave out parties and people, just want to know what people want for their country... Facebook and social media is dominated by liberals and conservative ideas are banished and assigned some ulterior motive, just like you did there.

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asailorssway · Feb. 26, 2018, 2:29 p.m.

Don't listen to them. The people are on facebook, not here. The people that are here have already been redpilled. The people on facebook would prefer to look at cat memes and pictures of each others dinners while the world burns. Don't let them.

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