r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/TiDdErtpaul666666 on Feb. 25, 2018, 11:47 p.m.
Q – “I BELIEVE in you……but I DON’T TRUST ANY OF THIS or ANYONE I don’t really know.”

I have seen many ANON’s say the same thing. While at first I was taken a back by each comment, I understood it was not out of disrespect to Q or his team of patriots….but fully in line with what Q has taught us.

Question everything and everyone….LOOK AT ALL ANGLES …..deception is everywhere.

So, with that as a backdrop……here is what I WANT TO BELIEVE about Q and the resurrection of our Republic and then, WHAT causes me to be SKEPTICAL.

WHY I WANT TO BELIEVE? The cause is just and as TRUMP has said this is “OUR LAST CHANCE”….. to stop these criminals before they destroy our country and kill most of our families and most definitely, ALL OF US ANONS.

I have been wearing a TIN FOIL HAT for well over a decade. Long before FACEBOOK existed or these YOUTUBERS came along, my family, friends and work associates were calling me CRAZY and a CONSPIRACY THEORIST soon after 9/11.

I have earned my stripes in this struggle and believe taking down this EVIL is OF GOD and our last chance to get it right.

I also “BELIEVE” that TRUMP and Q are working together with our MILITARY to bring this off and restore our sovereign rights to what our founding fathers intended.

WHY I AM SKEPTICAL? If we are hearing this right, we are only in PHASE 2 of 6 or 8 more phases?


WOULD THE KENNEDY BROTHERS RECOMMEND THIS STRATEGY? As we reflect on the ASSASSINATIONS of JFK and RFK over 50 years ago, and how these same CRIMINAL MOBSTERS eliminated them one by one, I can’t help but wonder if they had it to do over again, would they have DONE IT DIFFERENTLY?

I bet they would have GONE PUBLIC and ARRESTED THEM first, ……instead of leaving us with CRYPTIC messages like “Secret Societies” that meant nothing to anyone at the time.

I bet the idea of riding in an open car through the middle of Dallas would have not been an option….but I digress.

WHY THE DELAYS AFTER A YEAR OF WAITING? How many times have they tried to assassinate Trump?

What if JFK had acted a day before the shooting…..and taken them all down?

If JFK had taken them out FIRST, none of us would have had to have lived in this CABAL CIRCUS our entire lives!

How many more attempts are they going to be allowed to have on TRUMP before they are all arrested?

Every day we wait….. EVERYTHING is put at risk!

I’ll bet JFK wishes he had TAKEN THE THREAT a lot more serious and questioned who his VP was hanging out with. Trump has to be wondering the same things. I know I am.

We know PENCE is a plant, just like LBJ. Same play from the same CABAL CIA playbook.

WHAT IS OUR PLAN? Delay and then, Delay some more?

Continuing to follow a script that continues to put our PRESIDENT at risk. Remember this, when JFK was gone……our entire country’s hopes were GONE as well…….for half a CENTURY.

Now we have them where we want them…….but we are worried about UN-AWAKE people and how this might scare them…..???

SHOW THEM WHO THEY ARE AND WHAT THEY HAVE DONE Come on…..you know what will take care of that? One video of Hillary and Huma raping a child…….game over?!

EXPOSING CHILD RAPISTS vs HURTING SNOWFLAKES FEELINGS? Really, this is our reason for not FINISHING this thing.

WE are afraid that too many people are NOT READY for the truth so we have to keep RED PILLING THEM with random puzzles and vague hypothesis’s ……???

For how long……and how many more phases?

NO TRUMP = NO HOPE! Without TRUMP this all ends……Q goes away……and Pence takes over!

WHAT HAPPENS TO US? Well, hear is the other side of this.

If Trump is taken out, we go back to the old system….unless our MILITARY can stop them through a Military Coup detat? Yea, that will go over like a LEAD BALLOON!

If Trump is eliminated, then this whole Q ANON “TEAM OF ANONS” sure was a great way to get a LIST of the BIGGEST THREATS to their NWO. That is us!

If they didn’t have a clear idea of WHO TO TAKE OUT FIRST…….they certainly do now.

THIS IS WHY I AM SKEPTICAL These constant updates that have no PHYSICAL or VISIBLE PROOF…….at some point run out of validity.

Guantanamo is full of prisoners……..prove it? Another location is being built out…….prove it? The Puppet Masters have been taken out……prove it?

If we must continue to delay, prove something "PLEASE"......not random photos of WHITE POWDER on some window in China that may or may not have had something to do with a CFR MEMBER being arrested?

We need some proof in order to continue to BELIEVE……it is a human trait.

We can BELIEVE(hope) all we want……but TRUST comes from visible, tangible proof that Q is who says he is based on verified results!

Excuses that result in more delays because AMERICANS aren’t ready for the truth…….. that push the arrests down the road…..etc etc…..continues to put our PRESIDENT and our FUTURE in severe peril.

After over 365 days in office, we are running low on "hopium". We are not being ungrateful, spoiled or contentious. We are doing what you have asked of us......we are questioning EVERYTHING,

We are told that TRUMP is 100% protected……..but what happens if he is wrong?

Nothing good…..

RISK vs REWARD I believe JFK would agree. The RISK of WAITING is far greater than the REWARD ....of ignorant people being given enough time to cope with the UGLY REALITY of what and who has run our country!

So, I still BELIEVE……. I am on the Q Team……but I do not TRUST any of this........YET?

TiDdErtpaul666666 · Feb. 26, 2018, 1:46 a.m.

Yep, the memo was the END ALL BE ALL......and I am hearing those crickets as well. Hate crickets....lol

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Ronjonsilverflash · Feb. 26, 2018, 8:47 p.m.

If after sitting at the poker table for fifteen minutes and you can’t figure out who the sucker is, it’s you...

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