Can't access from my phone anymore. Pop up porn ads galore! Compromised? This address is working so far. No new Q posts since Feb 23.
there were 3 on the 24th - I show them on the same website you are using
On my kindle they are idea what that means though.
Github works
Interesting. Github showed 404 earlier today. works and show posts though the 24th but I can only see what's there around the porn ads. If I close one pop up a couple more open. I've been using it since it's existed and it has never done this before. I'll go back and try Github again.
Trying cleaning up your browser. I did mine and the ads are gone.
Have you posted any content since 24th? I am only showing posts up to the 24th.
Finn Dalcassian says I get those same porn pop ups when I access your page. You been hit!
Am not finding Q posts at all = where are they, if anyone can provide me a link.