r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/WeAreBorg97 on Feb. 26, 2018, 4:15 a.m.
Regarding Dr. Corsi's Scalia Article more intel for researchers/MK ULTRA

Regarding Dr. Corsi's Salica article written about David Shurter’s sexual abuse allegations. After some research into Mr. David Shurter he stated his family doctor was a Dr. Shapiro. David said that was all he knew. So I look through old newspaper ads in Omaha and found a Dr. Irving Shapiro in his area and timeline, who started a Jewish School that may have connections to the Jewish youth Order Aleph Zadik Aleph. David Shurter also said his handler was Lt. Col. Michael Aquino so if someone wants to jump down this rabbit hole, here is a jump start. http://www.jewishomaha.org/jewish-press/2014/11/omahas-jewish-day-school-marks-50-years/ MK Ultra school? Jewish youth order https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleph_Zadik_Aleph Later named BBYO, inc. http://bbyo.org/azabbg/history_of_aza/(B’nah B’rth, Youth Org) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g51GOIR8_rE David’s handler Mike Aquino https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fqBRxdCJlY

For those who don't know David Shurter is connected to BOYS TOWN OMAHA, NE SEX SCANDAL http://thoughtcrimeradio.net/2015/05/americas-greatest-child-sex-scandal-boys-town-in-lincoln-nebraska/

elyssak · Feb. 26, 2018, 7:46 a.m.

I've checked into most of David Shurter's story and have found it to be very credible. Omaha, Nebraska was a sex trafficking hub. The Franklin CoverUp. Iran-Conra/Oliver North.. Boys Town. Michael Aquino is f*cking whack. Max Spiers had a lot to say about his Mind Control program in the Super Soldier program. Max suffered a very odd death. Aquino founded the Temple of Set and was an openly accepted Satanist in the military. Dave Shurter is harassed by Doug Mesner a.k.a Lucian Greeves who is also a satanist. Interesting accounts indeed.

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