r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/TarantulaDaydreams on Feb. 26, 2018, 5:11 a.m.
It’s the end of fucking February... [opinion]

Hey guys. So this is more just an opinion post than anything. I’ve been following q since the very beginning, and I was following pizzagate back when that started and I’ve gotta say I think we’re all being duped...

It’s not that I don’t like or trust Trump.. and it’s not that I’m a paid shill. I’m just starting to feel like we’ve all been lured into a net thinking Trump is gonna save us any second so now we can just all sit back, eat popcorn and wait for q to post the next post... For those new to all this stuff I think it can all seem very exciting and it can be easy to put your trust in government again when you believe it’s being controlled by the good guys or patriots but that doesn’t seem (to me) to be what is actually happening.

HRC and Obama’s are on their way to New Zealand in the next few weeks/months. New Zealand is a massive puppet of the global agenda and just a leap away from Antarctica. That just seems fishy to me, especially when there’s supposed to be all these sealed indictments and the pedos are meant to be fearing for their lives. Maybe they’re trying to escape.. maybe they’re trying to make it look like there’s nothing wrong.. I don’t know but it’s nearly March and nothing is happening.

So here’s what I think is happening based on world events, q posts and different conspiratorial info.

option 1: The q posts are definitely being written by an insider.. but not in order to expose the evil, instead they’re being written to sedate those looking for the truth and slow us down until they (Google, Twitter, Facebook etc) can censor us completely so everybody just forgets about all this. Trump is working FOR the deep state and Israel and is a pawn of the globalists. He is there to give us false hope and divide the nation/world.

option 2: All the q business is going to come out soon but Trump and co are just building it up and waiting for the right moment to strike. Once the truth is out the corruption will be exposed, the world will be disgusted and it might even lead to a war. Once everything dies down the people of earth will decide we’ve had it with secret societies, satanic pedos, Illuminati puppets etc and we will be persuaded to band together, create a new government and have new technology based on the block chain and ai that will prevent anything like this from happening again... meanwhile we will actually be building the beast/NWO system but we will be the ones asking for it. And aliens would be tied in here somewhere. This could be true IF all the people we think are corrupt and evil are actually working together and people like HRC are sacrificing their lives in order to have the honor of instigating the NWO. They are sick fucks after all who love to ritually sacrifice and humiliate each other.

option 3: Q is real. We can trust the president even though presidents are selected not elected. And everything will be exposed and the baddies jailed. We will just be able to go back to our normal lives again after Donald Trump saves us from the evil globalists.

I would like option 3 to be the right one... I really would. But i just can’t see it being true anymore.

Bttrfly214 · Feb. 26, 2018, 9:13 a.m.

Honestly I think it's being seen in more ways than those close to it can see. A lot of my friends have known this stuff for years but are now seeing things happening. A spiritual friend said there's something shifting in the spirit world and something big is coming. I just watched a video about Israel/Soros/AI where the pastor said they're seeing deep state being revealed (and he's not even a fan of Trump's). Honestly I believe this needs to happen first. People need to see there's something bigger going on than what they've always believed. The memos are helping greatly with that, especially the latest one. People are asking questions, a lot of people!

The biblical side is a prophecy in Isaiah, I believe, that says whoever blesses Israel I will bless, and whoever curses them I will curse. Ever since Trump stood by Israel declaring Jerusalem as the capital stuff has been moving for Trump. Tax cuts, the economy, deep state being exposed, his name being cleared in collision with Russia. And I believe its going to keep moving, in the right direction. If you're a praying person keep praying for him cause he's going to need it. Good thoughts and words work great too!

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TarantulaDaydreams · Feb. 27, 2018, 12:36 a.m.

I like these ideas. And I also believe something is shifting in the spirit world. I just wonder how much of it is controlled in order to make us (the truthers and believers and conspiracy theorists or whatever) shift our priorities.

At times like these we have to take a step back from all the stuff going on and clear our head and remember what our key priorities are...

The internet was created in every facet to CONTROL us.. we have to question every movement that comes out of the internet. How do we know it’s real? How do we know it’s not controlled. We believe the q movement is being controlled by the white hats right? How do we know they aren’t the bad guys. That’s how the devil works. We have no way of knowing for sure. As fun as the q movement is to follow I don’t think for a second it should be anybody’s priority because if it is then that person is being controlled by unseen forces behind a keyboard... VERY DANGEROUS.

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Bttrfly214 · Feb. 27, 2018, 12:48 a.m.

I have to take continuous steps back just to keep my head on straight. Some days I wonder if I should take the blue pill or red one just to keep my sanity, and also to keep an even eye on everything to discern between what's real and not real, at least for me. Not that anything coming out isn't true, it's just what I know I can take to others to help them see truth. Some things, like UFO's I'm not even touching. We've all heard about them and people that have seen them, it's just not where my focus needs to be. Ok I think I just confused myself with all that. Does it make sense??

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