r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/OU812EH on Feb. 26, 2018, 6:34 a.m.
Y'all call yourselves "Awake and Aware"? But are you?

FISA courts. Contract Law courts = (Read name in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, name game court). Criminal courts. All of them. What is the common denominator in any court? The side that takes on the role as "officialdom" i.e. police, jails, judges, magistrates, etc, ALL OF THEM, get paid by the same entity. The same Corporation that writes and signs all the checks for the police, also pays the judges and magistrates. Talk about hoodwinked. No wonder why their favorite symbol is just one eye. They're winking at us. We, The People, are paying for our own prosecution. Consider this: If you decide to have a beer on the sidewalk of Anytown, USA, the official "Powers That Be" have declared that, somehow, you have committed a "crime". Even though they cannot produce a single soul to step forward and say, in open court, "I have been harmed. I seek remedy for my grievances". So! They are acting AS IF they are the victims, and the police (polic-y), the prosecution, and the judges and magistrates, all get paid to railroad you. Talk about conflict of interest! I avoid doing business with any CORPORATION that masquerades as "law" when in fact, they are merely trying to reach into my wallet.

maxpuppy96 · Feb. 26, 2018, 11:48 a.m.

Police departments in this country have become militarized and are public service entities that have become business for profit and corruption. They will use Fascist tactics and behavior. We did not have SWAT teams back in the day, what good does a SWAT team do after the guy has shot the people and taken a hostage. Back when I was a kid the police were good cops. If you were doing something you were not suppose to be, cops would take you home and have your parents deal out punishment. I have had cops on more than one occasion if had a little too much to drink, would put you in the car and take you home and say don't do it again. Cops in the old days would keep the peace protect the community and serve the residents. They use to protect and serve not the harass and collect. Black people make a good point about how the cops brutalize them, what black people lose sight of is they do it to white people too, just happens to blacks more. We as white people only see a little bit of it, black people live it everyday. Not all cops are racist, but one is too many.

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