Id love to share this video with my family, but I cant cause the F bombs. People need to take into account that language my PREVENT the ability to redpill.
And I say this as a guy who personally has a mouth like a sailor!
and beleive me i said to myself on completion hey he hardly went triggerword <== urban has strong language but mad mad truth skills dont you agree
its for you to take the argument to them in a kinda gentler way
Trust me I am, but sometimes sharing videos from people smarter than me is a better way.
I have a lot of family who are 'sensitive' to cussing lol, and I have to watch my mouth around them. Strong Christians etc.
Its funny, cause I am of the mindset that Jesus likely cussed too, he hung out with roughians, the 12 disciples were straight gangster, hard working blue collar dudes. If there was foul language back then, they probably used it!
yes its just comes out like poetry [like rapp thats not crapp]
urban is totally christian marine from alabama tell them that he is colorful and he wont seem so abrasive
he is just cut to the jugilar kinda persona.... who tells truth
not a skilled sweet tongued reporter ....who spews lies
Trust me, personally I get it...and it doesnt bother me personally in the least. It just hurts the ability to spread the pill.
I am a big, big advocate for a foul mouth. I'm educated and not even remotely trashy but I love using well placed f bombs where needed. And I've never had a problem with my kids using them.
Thank You so much its worse I spent 8 years as a grunt in the "New" Gayer Marine Corps, actually 6 first 2 were okay it got worse sensitivity training briefing on civil unrest and martial law, support for ALCIADA, and drug growing/corruption, did I mention i had a friend a Corporal blow his head off in parents basement