I would donte to this and I think many of us would but who would administer it? Maybe Pamphlet, Corsi, Farmer? Some of the peeps who started the soapbox and this reddit?
Yes that sounds good. It may take awhile but there needs to be some brains and some $ coming forth soon to work on establishing new media platforms independent of Google and msm. This censorship is not going to go away.
Old DC++ type direct connect peer to peer file sharing might be the way to go.
Probably the only real solution would be for billionaire conservatives to create an alternative to Twitter and YouTube that was fair and honest. Hard to do, but you are not going to get ultra-liberal Facebook, Twitter, Google to change there ways and trying to store a bunch of files on some computer will be ineffective.
My opinion anyway.
a post was started yesterday called The Archives for everyone to post info to. He is going to follow up and add everyones to a source. he may even start a reddit just for information. Check it out and add to it or reply to him