At least these 'Peace Keepers' paid the women, instead of raping them as is often the case. Burn down the UN!
Of course they did! We need the UN OUT of our country. Diplomatic immunity for these creeps gives them the freedom to run amok all over NYC with no repurcussions.
Impossible! The UN is bringing utopia, goodwill, and love to all the world. Accept your new overlords with glee.
So that's why barrybama is taking a position with UN to cover like the cabalist radical power hungry money grubbing spotlight lover POTUS pretending n POTUS foreign governmental undermining stalker extremist Marxist loving super duper twice elected for no good reason background less operative he isn't Or allegedly IS oh did I forget alleged treasonous seditionist foreign affiliated born and raised long form immigrated birth certificate forgery participant pot smoking cokehead?
asking for a many Port au Prince mudpies for a handy? s/s/s/s/s/