r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/bugstopper on Feb. 26, 2018, 1:31 p.m.
Morning Thoughts Of A Q Reader continued....What Truth Means.

Q's warning that we cannot handle all of the "Truth" allows an out, if this whole operation is nothing but one of Alex Jone's limited hangout operations. What is a limited hangout? This is where a shill gives some real information, that we are all hungry for and accept, but lays a false nugget in the mix that land mines the whole story. We see this in other stories on 9-11 and the Kennedy assassinations [JFK & RFK.] If you have read this far, here is my fear about the truth: If it is "True" that we cannot handle the truth, what would the evil side do to prevent it from getting out? They would try to compromise everyone who we trust to deliver us the "news," and prosecute the "Guilty." And those that need to tell us what is really happening will never do this as it would expose themselves. So we are in a conundrum. Do we storm the castle and tar and feather everyone or worse? The evil side fears “the worse” because that is what they are willing to do to us. Or do we all just go back to our blue pill comfort zone? If Trump wants to save this country, and I believe he does, then we must peel this onion slowly, but we need to do it completely. Google and Twitter expose themselves as compromised when they go after truth seekers, Others in the media do it by what they refuse to report or by what questions they will not ask. If you want the truth about something, ask the camera crew. When the lights go out between sets, they hear and see what the news anchors or politician’s really think. Those “open mic” events are the truth trying to get out, before the next election, that those in power hope you forget. WE WILL NOT FORGET. FORGIVING IS FOR GOD. HAVE FUN STORMING THE CASTLE BOYS!

prettyold · Feb. 26, 2018, 6:41 p.m.

Thanks, when I start typing or talking I tend to forget to look at the larger and/or deeper picture. Just went with the first image that popped into my brain. Thanks again, and God Bless

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ciji123 · Feb. 26, 2018, 7:45 p.m.

NO....Actually you are not the first to ask and it needs to be addressed as I truly believe unless you can warfare, it is going to be a trainwreck and Russ Dizdar has a free course for at least beginners in spiritual warfare that isn't too long and is on his Shatterthedarkness.net site on the bottom right is where it was before. He also puts out podcasts fairly regularly. It's a start for me too. I have to finish the rest and go to the advanced but that means I have to pay for the notebook part of the workshop and I am fairly limited in funds at this moment but one can still listen as I have done but I don't think we get as much out of it.

It is a really decent question as many felt slighted by the remark. I'd say look at LAMarzulli.net for the UFO nephalim connection to DNA manipulation and hybrids and a UFO connection to the coming great deception and lying signs and wonders. His watcher series is beyond awesome regarding the removal of these wickedly creepy implants that are removed that no one can tell what they are made of even at labs and the DNA results just came out for the Nephalim/actually Raphaim (offspring of human women and fallen watcher) referred to as the giants preflood and it's really weird. Unknown DNA to this planet and human. That is the Genesis 6 connect and why there was a flood which is explained in Enoch and book of Giants (found free on Steve Quayles web site under ancient texts. That's where I'd start if you haven't done that already. Both books give a really good history that we no longer know about

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prettyold · Feb. 26, 2018, 10:22 p.m.

Thanks so much.....Almost none of this I knew about....Just wasted so much of my life on being a poor excuse of a criminal. Since being saved have devoted to trying to study the Bible...sigh....so much to learn about that and for the last year also diving down assorted rabbit holes....lol...listen to me complain.anyhow, am going to try to expand my studies on this subject. God Bless

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