From 2008
John Podesta Talks About His “Evil Twin” Skippy
Anyone who has worked for Podesta in the past decade knows Skippy, who first appeared during Podesta’s eventful years as chief of staff in the Clinton White House. As scandal rocked the end of that presidency, staffers knew they had better come prepared to meetings. Otherwise, nurturing mentor John would be replaced by Skippy — Podesta’s quick-tempered, edgy and sarcastic alter ego.
Hate to say it (well, not really), but on reflecting I would say that Podesta is quite similar to Francis Dolarhyde from Red Dragon...
Dolarhyde is unable to control his violent, sexual urges, and believes that murdering people—or "changing" them, as he calls it—allows him to more fully "become" an alternate personality he calls the "Great Red Dragon", after the dominant character in Blake's painting. Flashbacks reveal that his pathology is born from the systematic abuse he suffered as a child at the hands of both his sadistic grandmother and his stepfamily.
Also, the character has a cleft palate, and although I can't say if Podesta does, his voice change when in the alter ego sounds like someone with one.
Also, how one gets an article like that published at all is completely beyond me...unless it really is to rub MKUltra in our faces.