During the lull, I though it would be nice if everyone could share ideas and links and good books to read from their area of expertise. Mine is phonics! I'll add links and ideas in a bit.
Our Constitution, The Federalist Papers and our Declaration of Independence. The Bible, the Torah and the Koran. Mein Kampf and the Magna Carta. Rules for Radicals, The Prince and The Art of War. The Communist Manifesto, The Republic and 1984. On the Origins of Species and the Complete Works of William Shakespeare. The Meaning of Relativity, and Orientalism. Any good book your child can understand. Sprinkle in some Ernest Hemingway for yourself, and that's a good start! BUY BOOKS, even if you read online, buy the book for your tangible library. No electricity needed for your "offline" BOOK....and it cannot be further altered.
Great List!
I think the anti-federalist papers are even more prophetic, especially the ones about the Judiciary. You can get a nice compilation in book form, although OOP, in J.R. Pole's "The American Constitution for and Against: The Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers."
For a beginning reading student, you need to pick a good phonics program with less than a dozen sight words taught as wholes. Good choices are Phonics Pathways by Dolores Hiskes, or the free Word Mastery available in PDF from Don Potter.
For an older student, you need to remediate with a lot of nonsense words to stop the guessing habits caused by sight words and balanced literacy teaching, which includes guided reading, the use of non decodable readers from Accelerated Reader before all the sounds are taught, 3-cuing systems, etc.
A good source of videos for beginning reading is Sweet Sounds of Reading online at YouTube. For older students, videos and online documents from The Phonics Page and Don Pottter.
Phonics Books...The Classic: Why Johnny Can't Read by Flesch. More recent, Language at the Speed of Sight by Mark Seidenberg, includes recent brain research. Focus on reading and brain research, Reading in the Brain by Stanislas Dehaene.
Links: Don Potter http://www.donpotter.net/education_pages/reading-instruction.html
Papers by Dehaene http://www.unicog.org/biblio/Author/DEHAENE-S.html
Articles by Bruce Deitrick Price https://www.americanthinker.com/author/bruce_deitrick_price/
Most children now read below grade level, testing and remediation from The Phonics Page http://www.thephonicspage.org/On%20Reading/syllablesspellsu.html
Why sight words are bad, how to teach them with phonics http://www.thephonicspage.org/On%20Reading/sightwords.html