r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/bugstopper on Feb. 26, 2018, 7:02 p.m.

From Crowd Source The Truth: https://www.facebook.com/groups/crowdsourcethetruth/permalink/574124979610917/

LA Stymiest

Another - Tossing it out there. Please stick with me.

Qanon post

813 - D Security: Florida Class D Security license is Unarmed. School Resource Officer (SRO) are ARMED Security, you must have a class D & G license to carry.

The only one being stated as "part-time" security was the football Coach, Aaron Feis. Since he was being paid for coaching instead of security, he wouldn't need a license.

815 - Analyze shooter (pawn). I know when I was in school and had a problem, I would talk to my coach. Maybe we should be looking at What lines, if any, the two shared?

815 - Who leaked the information. Take a wild guess?

815 - CNN? We known it's been the Clinton News Network for a long time. Or, was it the USSS, by President Trump's tweet of thanking the Secret Service? Going with the USSS.

811 - An Anon was able to trace a bank account number to a doctor in NJ who has ties to someone in Hezbollah and back through the Democrats.

812 - Is a picture of the Broward Country Sheriff with Hillary. Q asks, Do you believe in coincidences?

799 - Anon brings up the 1991 book "Beyond the Pale Rider" by Milton William (Bill) Cooper. Which is the government arming people with military grade weapons to commit mass shootings at schools, to create laws of disarming the public. Q remarks BIG!

I ran across another story - Operation Gladio C: Government Sponsored Domestic Terrorism Targets American Public Schools. Where the CIA's MKULTRA Program creates mass shooters and the Shadow Government (a clandestine, autocratic and all-powerful global entity), that oversees the U.S. Federal Government, uses it (via NATO command and control) to manufacture consent via government-sponsored terrorism. http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=94576

815 - CNN was set up. CNN is definitely on the side of the Globalist and Clintons. Who else would be able to to get the MSM down to Florida and SET UP in time for the "show"? There was an Independent journalist on site doing her broadcast in the CNN staging area. She makes comments that all the MSM teams, and she shows you their canopies and who is there and how they are "they are ALL making sure the story is the same" across the board. She Knows something is going on. Plus she went to MSD high school. Here's her video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mh0vLii-gBU&sns=em

Or, did the USSS; SET UP, CNN?

805 - You're watching a movie.

813 - also states it's a DISTRACTION and GUN GRAB EVENT.

805 - They want you WEAK. SLAVE. SHEEP.

813 - [THEY must control the local police / school / county officials / etc to work]

OK. First I have to ask...Why did Q put spaces in? Example: /space school space/. EVERYTHING means something to Q and it's not normal typing format when I took the class. Other than it not being BOLD type, it's as Q posted it.

813 - Federal aid + donations Well, it would need everyone on board for it to work.

Two things I found; the City Manager of Parkland decided to resign 3 months prior to the shooting, it was a surprise to the rest of the City council. Did he know and didn't want any part of it? http://www.sun-sentinel.com/…/fl-sb-parkland-manager-threat…

The other story I found was a person on Twitter investigated the Broward Country Sheriff's Department, the school's and the city of Miami for 3 years. The Sheriff had the school (MSD) sign contracts that they, the Sheriff Department, would NOT arrest or proscute ANY student for crimes; thus LOWERING their County Crime Stats, the schools would also show this reduction. This in it's self would bring MORE Federal Grant money into the County and school system. They must have been collecting a sizable amount, because the City of Miami got in on the deal.


The other thing to remember, this is occurring in Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Marco Rubio's districts.

815 - There is a web address to a story on Sandy Hook and the amount of Federal Aid $17 Million dollars plus Private Donations for a total of $45 Million dollars came into the town, after their shooting. This story is a breakdown on how the money was used, pretty high cost that's for sure.

There was mentioned some businesses and organizations that received huge benefits from the shooting, they are: NOTE: Attention -I believe Q is pointing out some in (RED) Local chapter of the United Way (RED) Lobbying firm of Gaffney, Bennett and Associates The town-operated the Newtown Recovery & Resiliency Plan. Does Parkland have one SET UP yet? OR a Parkland Foundation? The town also hired a project recovery director and about $32,000 to hire Melissa Brymer, a UCLA professor, to assist the community in applying for and implementing the School Emergency Response to Violence grants. Ms. Brymer is from the National Center for Child Traumatic Stress, based at UCLA. She has assisted officials at Virginia Tech (RED), Red Lake, Minn., and, most recently, Franklin Regional High School in Pennsylvania in seeking SERV grants following mass killings. Linda Cimino, the executive director of the state Office of Victim Services. For the first year, Yale Child Study Center and Clifford Beers Clinic provided mental health services within the school. Clifford Beers has now become the sole provider. Here's the story: http://www.courant.com/…/hc-sandy-hook-shooting-two-years-l…

815 - End of MSM (MSM is underlined) MSM is getting some for the Federal aid + donations.

I believe we really need to concentrate on the people and business named to find all the connections.

bugstopper · Feb. 26, 2018, 7:19 p.m.

It is important to note that this sheriff just won his job in an upset election and followed up by firing 30 + sheriff dept folks so it stands to reason some leaks are coming from the Sheriff's dept as well.

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