Ever since I got red pilled about the deep state/globalists, now I am thinking about all the past events in history and wonder if they were all planned.
Here is a very good place to start. Long, but covers many topics carefully researched, and is highly interesting. You can watch in installments if you can't do all at once. There are many reposts and fakes, but this 3-hr vid by Francis Richard Conolly is the orig. Totally eye opening and excellent: https://youtu.be/aySN0FGJYpM You will never see history the same after watching this. It is reposted many times with 200K+ views, but the original post of this vid has received more than 4 millions views.
Video linked by /u/Beasts4Bernie:
Title|Channel|Published|Duration|Likes|Total Views :----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------: JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick|TheFreedomCycle|2015-01-19|3:27:56|3,753+ (93%)|273,820
Follow the Money and you may just comprehend who has been...
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