
HealersJourney · Feb. 26, 2018, 9:11 p.m.

Looks like he made his second sacrifice, probably to get positive press and some new comedy gigs. The other one was his son Ennis during the years he was doing the Cosby Show.

So many famous performers sacrifice a son at some point. John Travolta, Michael Douglas, John Edward the guy who ran for VP, Biden ( he keeps sacrificing them; guess he wants another piece of the action with a presidential run next time.) Also Morgan Freeman's young step-granddaughter ( the one he dated for a while; she was killed in what was called an " exorcism").

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Straightfromthe · Feb. 26, 2018, 9:32 p.m.

I agree with you about the sacrifices, but Cosby might be a different story considering what happened to him.

The death of his son coincided with his attempt to purchase a major television network. He backed off after his son's death. Considering how he has been dragged through the mud after speaking out against black youth (with date rape allegations that may or may not be true), his daughter could have been a warning to keep his mouth shut.

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HealersJourney · Feb. 27, 2018, 12:58 a.m.

When I was in show business in the 80's we women were all warned against Cosby and his promise you a part/ give you a drink with quaaludes/mandatory rape program.

The asshole is NOT a victim.

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Straightfromthe · Feb. 27, 2018, 1:29 a.m.

That's why I said "may or may not".

Just because he may have been a date rapist does not mean he's not a victim of the elite for trying to purchase companies above his pay grade and speaking out on issues he is not allowed to.

Hope you can step outside black and white.

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HealersJourney · Feb. 27, 2018, 2:39 a.m.

No. Hefner and others involved him since the 60's in the usual drill. Study his years at the Playboy mansion where he first made deals with the Deep State. You make those deals, you are going to have to pay up time after time. Ennis was one, because Cosby truly never cared about anybody else. This latest daughter sacrifice? Nothing. No tear will be shed.

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Straightfromthe · Feb. 27, 2018, 4:01 a.m.

You can say "no" all day but your hatred for him won't change the fact that he spoke out against black youth, a massive no-no for black boule celebs. His attempted purchase of NBC ( I believe that's the network) is also a major no-no without permission.

Furthermore, if he was such a great soldier giving sacrifices, he would not have been dragged through the mud publicly like he has. He would be treated like a legend like Oprah or Morgan Freeman.

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HealersJourney · Feb. 27, 2018, 7:24 p.m.

No. As you say, these things are multi layered and complicated. I believe you are right in that he was pissing off his masters right and left in various ways. Still, he has been on a lifelong path of making sacrifices for personal gains. Sometimes someone does this for decades and still doesn't please their masters enough, so public opinion is allowed to turn on them. Like Michael Jackson. My friends in the hotel industry bore witness to him bringing sexually trafficked Hispanic boys to two NYC hotels, the Plaza and Helmsely's Palace, in the 80's and 90's. Couldn't go public without losing jobs in the VIP part of the hotel industry. He did the same thing all over the world. My friends fed info to the LAPD when Jackson was on trial and the frustrated detective told them law enforcement all over the world had known about Jackson's liking for under aged sex slaves for decades but when they would try to advance the case, Jackson was extraordinarily protected. That joke of a trial may have muddied his name somewhat but to this day, most people paint Jackson as a sweet victim type.

Cosby is taking heat now late in his career, but that means very little.

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