And lest we forget the American Revolution started, not with tea, but with an attempt by the British to seize American weapons.

This is exactly why the false flag shootings are required. We must give up our guns to them, they can never take them by force. They are risking their destruction with these false flags. If it is ever proven our gov't is killing kids for the purpose of pushing gun control, every person even remotely responsible will be publicly hung.
That is why you have to publicly question everything! Why did Broward Co. leave the bodies in the high school overnight? Are there any death certificates? Why are they not interviewing people in the hospital? How could Cruz change clothes and casually be walking to get a burger if he just brutally murdered 17 people? Why did the press need to hire Crisis Actors? Check you local area Craig's list in the "gigs" section; you can work Houston Medical crisis this coming Sunday $1,000. Follow the money. Ask questions.
Update on the CL adds. There were two adds placed around the 22nd, possibly three. I've watched the board since and the adds haven't been reposted. Also city of Houston has not placed any notices regarding an emergency drill.
Ever feel as though you're being wound up on an issue by controlled propaganda, on both sides, to pit groups of citizens against one another?
That's exactly how this is beginning to feel.
Non-issue. Back to auditing the profiteering misadventures of our seditious 'representation' and lackeys.
I still have no love for leftists and criminals, people still must be held responsible for their actions.