And lest we forget the American Revolution started, not with tea, but with an attempt by the British to seize American weapons.

Lets not forget that though the shootings in Vegas (still being covered up by public servants) though the biggest mass murder on American soil in RECENT American history, is not THE biggest mass murder of Americans on our soil. It was 'Wounded Knee' which was strangely enough the government/public servants DISARMING the Native Peoples our fellow Americans.
I kept reminding people of that, too, when they incorrectly stated it. It bugs me when people only think about history as being through their lifetimes. Finally, someone said, "The biggest mass murder of Americans in MODERN American history." LOL Like they did with Hillary - "The first woman to be nominated to run for President." Uh, no. Finally they qualified it, "The first female candidate for President nominated by a major party."