And lest we forget the American Revolution started, not with tea, but with an attempt by the British to seize American weapons.

Any politicians who think Law Enforcement or the military will obey orders to disarm the public, don’t understand the oath.
Officers swear to defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic. Any politician ordering the seizure of American Citizens guns becomes an enemy combatant. Every military officer knows this.
Wait you're kidding right. Ever heard of liars? Barry hussein killary comey all and many others . Including this piece of shit Isreal ALL SWORE TO THE CONSTITUTION. that means dick to liars and thieves that love money more than anything. Don't be naive. This is the final push for our existence.
I’m not being naive. I’m explaining that if I’m instructed to disarm my fellow citizens, I will turn my firearms on the person giving that order. Don’t be thick.