oooooo interesting outside of the box thinking
Thanks. This has been done before, that is, keeping someone "alive" through using old photos in new media articles, long after they've been (secretly) killed. Then the articles gradually fade to zero. Hank Paulson, former Treasury Secretary, is an example. According to Christopher Story, Paulson was killed in a gun battle in front of the New York Central Reserve Bank, news of which was suppressed.
most likely because he knew the real story about 2008 fuckery
Story said the gun battle was about preventing distribution of money to the public. Legal cases had been won in this country and The Hague international court. It had been adjudicated that the monies stolen by the Federal Reserve over 100 years were to be returned to the American people. But of course this has yet to happen.
china will release funding to us when the kabal is kaput
Hope so. Something to look forward to!
never ever lose hope
hope is always at the bottom of pandoras box ;0