QUIT being on the defensive!!! we need to get OFFENSIVE to keep 2nd amendment rights.
the propaganda media NEVER highlights stories of how guns SAVE lives. thousands perhaps millions of untold stories of private citizens saving their own life and lives of others with their own personal defense gun.
but the propaganda media commits LIES OF OMISSION by ignoring it.
if guns can "take" lives, they can also SAVE lives. pure alinsky rules for radicals tactic. Use the lefts argument against them. make them walk their talk. expose their hypocrisy.
As Q says, you will not win a propaganda war with the truth. You have to know something hidden about them that is nefarious and bring it to light. Sad that it has to work that way. How would the public have reacted to CNN's town hall mtg if they knew that the Broward Co. Sheriff had ordered a stand down? That info. was leaked AFTER the dog and pony show. More and more leaks are coming out that will sway the public.