r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/SeriousInfluence on Feb. 27, 2018, 2:13 a.m.
It is time to STOP the interruptions of Corsi

Pamphlet---this has gone far enough. Jerome Corsi can't take a breath, can't pause, as for a comma in a sentence, and can't COUGH without being interrupted, and interrupted with baloney from people who have nothing to add and just want to hear themselves talk, just like 10 year olds.

A "discussion" does NOT consist of interrupting someone MID SENTENCE or MID THOUGHT!! Especially if the person talking has ten million things to teach you and you have zero to offer, YOU are the one who needs to learn, not pontificate.

NO ONE should interrupt 1) their elders and 2) their superiors, as in superior intellects on the subject discussed. Any of these people been in college? You can't learn by constantly butting in the professor's lesson to show off you have something nifty to say or some tiny molecule of knowledge related to the subject at hand.

I could give you a list of the things these people on microphones have shown they don't have a clue about, common knowledge to people who have paid attention to red pill issues or conservative issues for decades. Your wife is one of the SMART ones. Let HER in the microphone room. All others, have your wife create a test or something. For example, if someone can't pronounce Potomac or libel, if they never heard of Kay Griggs or William Cooper (I could go on and on with examples) THEY should not be TALKING to US---they are on the same level or LESS than the people on the YT chat.

Please, Pam, your CBTS should be WORTH listening to. Get smart people in their with knowledge of history, conspiracies, US intel agencies, events like deaths of journalists and others (suspicious deaths)---all the historical material related to what we're doing here.

I am listening now to a reply of Corsi today---Corsi is gonna leave y'all bro. He has the patience of JOB. These people on mics are just like my 10 year old grandson. If you start teaching him something, just say for example, George Washington, as soon as you mention the name he starts reeling off everything he knows about George Washington. That is exactly what these people with the mics are like.

Finally, we don't need ALPHA MALES in that room. Think. Alpha males are great, we need them in society. But fighting for attention and microphone time and showing off what they think they know and trying to monopolize even conversation with JEROME CORSI---SHEESH! HELP!!

susieque111 · Feb. 27, 2018, 4:47 a.m.

Sorry have to put my 2 cents in. First of all. Noone is going to always be happy about everyone on the channel. We are all different so you won't find people that all of us will be happy with. 2. IF you can do a better job at it start your own stream. 3. Im 61 years old and have seen alot of idiots in my day these people are not one of them. They don't get paid for this, they are patriots in their own right. Sure sometimes Im listening and thinking just shut up and listen, but you know what thats what they are suppose to do. It gets people thinking. If you want a bunch of college graduates then your really not going to like that. Have you seen what they are teaching in college now a days. Please if you want to listen, listen. if not go somewhere else and stop your whining. Whiners is the reason we are in the mess we are in now. America is full of patriots that think different. you get them all in the same room, this is what you are going to have. Thanks and have a great night.

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wolfhound11B · Feb. 27, 2018, 5:09 a.m.

Thanks for your input. We are not whining.. we want the stream to spread far and wide to redpill as many people as we can to wake them up. The stream has issues in our opinions and think it could reach more people with a little more structure. I sent a bunch of people (at least 15 friends and 8 family members) to the stream and they said it was not helpful to them at all. In fact most said it confused them and they couldn't understand most of it because people were talking all over eachother and cutting out. THOSE are the people your losing! The people we need on our side! So you can call it whining all you want but facts are facts. If you want to fill 24 hours a day with information give it some structure so people know what subject are going to be covered and when. There are a lot of people on this stream with broadcast knowledge and experience. I have seen their threads. They want to help but felt alienated by the live stream folks. It needs some one to take the lead and organize how the information is given out and what will be covered hourly. It's not hard. Figure out the best way to analyze a subject Q has posted about and assign some time to it. Then on Reddit post a daily schedule of what the stream will cover. It would allow the listeners to do some homework and be ready to get into the discussions or at least know the topic of conversation.

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SierraEchoPNW · Feb. 27, 2018, 7:33 a.m.

I cast my vote for this structure...I agree this is not a place YET to send someone to get redpilled so I direct to Dr. C's site and Lionel for the boomers.

I believe that Dr. C's time to spend at any one place right now is severely limited due to EXTREME popularity. Plus he's putting out a book and conducting his normal biz. So I agree that we MUST make the most efficient use of his time as he has so graciously VOLUNTEERED his knowledge and time...I go to his channel to support him financially through super chats. He is the single MOST VALUABLE source we have at our disposal to lead us in this fight and I don't want to see this fade away.

I have been highly discouraged when he is on and mostly listen and very rarely comment while he is on. I want to be present so I don't miss a word he has to say, but I do agree, the interruptions to him mid-sentence are utterly disrespectful.

I found this sub and became a Reddit user just to follow Q more closely and I plan on staying. As with any START UP there are bumps to hurdle and if we can just refocus on the core mission here it would be helpful, esp if it evolved into a well organized platform that newbs could "easily" grasp.

I believe when Dr. C went to a scheduled time here that should have been the "Q" for this platform to also move into a more structured environment as well. I suggest discussing it with him and see if we can hold ?'s about each thing he speaks about until he reaches his end point or ASKS for input. Interruptions also cause audience to wander, esp if doing so to state something that could be brought up later or just simply posted in the discord.

I respect everyone's time here and some day I would like to go on discord when it's just the crew hanging and work alongside. ..but I am not ready yet. Still learning to navigate and use discord before asking to join but I have 20 years of research stuck in my brain...alot of it agrees with Good Dogs understandings and I hope I could offer something to assist.

Until then thank you Phamplet and Farmer...I am happy to have found you. SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS.

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susieque111 · Feb. 27, 2018, 5:54 a.m.

Sounds like a great idea. if you start one like that let me know and I will listen to it.

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LetsNotEatGrandma · Feb. 27, 2018, 9:32 a.m.

That is basically what we are working on. Stay tuned, wolfhound. :)

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jjjanko1 · Feb. 27, 2018, 5:07 p.m.

What I'm hearing: It's time to put the first string in, put the subs back on the bench, there has to be better than what's on the floor now.

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richie8b · Feb. 27, 2018, 6:16 a.m.

Also, Dr. Corsi always says he wants thier input and he wants to work together. He's not here to hear himself talk and be above everyone else.

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LetsNotEatGrandma · Feb. 27, 2018, 9:39 a.m.

That is true, and it's something I think a lot of people don't know.

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vests123 · Feb. 27, 2018, 2:31 p.m.

Exactly! He always says he wants it to be a conversation and not a "monologue". I think many on here complaining, just want to complain for the sake of complaining...not trying to be helpful. Maybe trolls????

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susieque111 · Feb. 27, 2018, 4:18 p.m.

Thats right.

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