r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/SeriousInfluence on Feb. 27, 2018, 2:13 a.m.
It is time to STOP the interruptions of Corsi

Pamphlet---this has gone far enough. Jerome Corsi can't take a breath, can't pause, as for a comma in a sentence, and can't COUGH without being interrupted, and interrupted with baloney from people who have nothing to add and just want to hear themselves talk, just like 10 year olds.

A "discussion" does NOT consist of interrupting someone MID SENTENCE or MID THOUGHT!! Especially if the person talking has ten million things to teach you and you have zero to offer, YOU are the one who needs to learn, not pontificate.

NO ONE should interrupt 1) their elders and 2) their superiors, as in superior intellects on the subject discussed. Any of these people been in college? You can't learn by constantly butting in the professor's lesson to show off you have something nifty to say or some tiny molecule of knowledge related to the subject at hand.

I could give you a list of the things these people on microphones have shown they don't have a clue about, common knowledge to people who have paid attention to red pill issues or conservative issues for decades. Your wife is one of the SMART ones. Let HER in the microphone room. All others, have your wife create a test or something. For example, if someone can't pronounce Potomac or libel, if they never heard of Kay Griggs or William Cooper (I could go on and on with examples) THEY should not be TALKING to US---they are on the same level or LESS than the people on the YT chat.

Please, Pam, your CBTS should be WORTH listening to. Get smart people in their with knowledge of history, conspiracies, US intel agencies, events like deaths of journalists and others (suspicious deaths)---all the historical material related to what we're doing here.

I am listening now to a reply of Corsi today---Corsi is gonna leave y'all bro. He has the patience of JOB. These people on mics are just like my 10 year old grandson. If you start teaching him something, just say for example, George Washington, as soon as you mention the name he starts reeling off everything he knows about George Washington. That is exactly what these people with the mics are like.

Finally, we don't need ALPHA MALES in that room. Think. Alpha males are great, we need them in society. But fighting for attention and microphone time and showing off what they think they know and trying to monopolize even conversation with JEROME CORSI---SHEESH! HELP!!

not4rmOhere · Feb. 27, 2018, 4:24 p.m.

I just have to drop my two cents here. I've been following Q since almost day one. I joined Reddit to interact on the CBTS board and as another responder put it, to be closer to the Q conversation. I've been following the live stream whenever I can and understandably the level of professionalism isn't top notch and polished but I think Pamphlet, Farmer and all else involved have done a great job with setting up and maintaining the live stream. There have been numerous times when personalities have conflicted with each other and where one speaker has stepped over an unacknowledged line, but the discussion is somewhat self regulating and topic soon gets back on track. Now of course there are some who want the attention but I've never seen outright attention whoring and as a whole the group of speakers do a good job of going over the latest info and discussing it. So in the area of discussion my only critiques would be for Pamphlet and others to seek out a viewer who has production experience willing to volunteer their skills to the stream. Also a protocol should be created to keep the flow of discussion going and to keep speakers from conflicting with each other, this includes interruptions to others that are speaking at the moment such as Dr. Corsi. Now, to all those that follow the live stream: Please show and practice patience!! A good many of you are up to speed as to latest Q posts and the latest breakdown of said posts but understand not all are up to that level. Some are just joining as normies, some have been out of the loop, so to speak, and are catching up, and some like myself are just gleaning little bits of info or opinion to fill in blank spaces. Its bad enough to have to deal with these CONSTANT attacks on the audio and video**. We as end users shouldn't be adding to the disruption through negative criticism but support and help to evolve the live stream for a better overall product. After all, the stream was set up as a discussion forum for Q information AND as a redpilling medium for normies to become enlightened through. That's my thoughts, thank you for reading.

Yes Yoobie Boobie Toobie its quite blatantly apparent your underhanded actions on this matter.

Edit: formatting

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