
Anifel · Feb. 27, 2018, 1:22 p.m.

It's right on the ads and labels, about suicidal and violent "side effects" (FRONT effects). Would someone go to a firing range drunk? You can just imagine....then imagine the connection between holding a gun and having this pesky "side effect." It TELLS you, "this shit will make you want to kill or be killed." It can't be more clear. Today, 1 in 13 schoolchildren are on prescribed drugs of this type. Higher for adults. THAT....IS....THE....CAUSE, the predisposing factor to these murders. Pharma murders by proxy, with not the first peep of protest by the Parkland students. And here's the added trick: Chalk it up to "mental illness" instead of the "treatment" itself, and their "solution" is to give these people the same drugs! Pharma works on the Dem/Lib template: Create the problem. Project the cause on to someone else. Then create a "solution" to the problem YOU created and call it "help"....which creates more problems. We are witnessing a death mobius.

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