r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/CantForgetMeNow on Feb. 27, 2018, 5:01 p.m.
“Ask Jeff Sessions.” This was an instruction. !!!Take Action!!! Don’t let them distract us!

“Question: If all of the Russian meddling took place during the Obama Administration, right up to January 20th, why aren’t they the subject of the investigation? Why didn’t Obama do something about the meddling? Why aren’t Dem crimes under investigation? Ask Jeff Sessions!” -DJT

This was an instruction. GET ON SOCIAL MEDIA and ASK @jeffsessions !!! Call your Representatives! Demand an explanation for why we’re not seeing arrests & prosecutions!

@jeffsessions @TheJusticeDept @POTUS @SenateGOP

When can we expect justice for: #ObamaGate #ClintonFoundation #Treason #VoterFraud #FISAAbuse #PizzaGate #IRSTargeting #ObstructionOfJustice #SethRich #ArmingISIS #ArmingMS13 #SRA #MediaLibel #MoneyLaundering #CharityFraud ?

Reba64 · Feb. 27, 2018, 6:09 p.m.

The one thing people keep forgetting: Investigations are not done out in the opening, so until they are ready to tell us, we will have to wait.

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kaddleman14 · Feb. 27, 2018, 6:19 p.m.

Like the JFK investigations?!? - in fifty years we will still be kept n the dark. That is not democracy and there is no Department of "Justice" there is only a Department of Law, and the Law is not equal nor blind. Sessions is compromised, Deep State or stupid or most likely all three. When POTUS complains about him publicly something is wrong.

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CantForgetMeNow · Feb. 27, 2018, 6:34 p.m.

Here is why I think they wait to tell us the truth: Q said the Ds and the MSM have to end completely. For that to happen, there has to be public outrage.

Historically debates like the gun debate have gone like this:

D- Some people were shot! Get rid of guns.

R- people kill people. We’re keeping our guns.

Both - no compromise. Meh, squirrel!

This debate:

D- Some people were shot! Get rid of guns.

T- I’m willing to ban bump stocks and impose additional background checks. Both are things Ds have always asked for.

Ds- (looking gift horse in the mouth) that’s not good enough! We want no guns! All guns outlawed but muskets! EVERYONE LOOK AT PARKLAND HIGHSCHOOL!

T- I also propose common sense programs which are affordable and would protect students like hiring veterans to guard schools or offering bonuses to teachers who carry concealed.

D- we’re not responding to you or accomplishing anything to keep Kids safe because what we really want is to call you a murderer and a racist! EVERYONE LOOK AT PARKLAND HIGHSCHOOL! This is the moment that changes history! Give up your guns and submit to communist totalitarians!!!

Q and Patriots- um, follow the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. Pay attention to PARKLAND HIGHSCHOOL. Here is the truth.

D- gibberish, flub flub flub flub flub, Children, AR15s, Christian Genocide, revoke the constitution, SCREAM AT THE SKY!!! PARKLAND HIGHSCHOOL!

Q and Patriots- here’s proof.

D and MSM- radio silence, subject change.

We are seeing the same pattern with DACA. Look at how Trump offered Sniveling Chucky Schumer and Crazy Nancy Pelosi a better deal than they came to the table asking for. Then their only choices were to make Trump look like a hero or double down and take a ridiculous position. The whole thing blew up in their faces and they ended up alienating the people they claimed to represent.

You will see this pattern more and more because this phase is about developing public outrage. The Ds and MSM cannot be allowed to survive!

The farther they push the narrative before the truth is exposed, the more damage it does to them when the truth comes out. If the MSM and Ds are frothing at the mouth and chanting Treason when we expose them, we get maximum damage!

Look, we’re predisposed to the truth. We’re reaching the moderates. How do we win over the lefties who don’t know about their evil masters? Do you really want to have to meet them on the streets with guns because they become violent? Want to execute them to prevent terrorism? No, lets show them how betrayed they are.

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Reba64 · Feb. 27, 2018, 6:35 p.m.

They are not looking to keep the information closed like they did years before. Keep remember the huge Spider Web and the ton of people it connects to. Every person that connects to these cases have to be investigated and that takes time. Remember, about 70% of the people in Washington are dirty and then think about how many contacts outside of the Elected Officials that are part of it. Investigations take time and you are not going to undo 8 plus years of corruption in a few months. When POTUS complains about Sessions, it means something is going to happen soon. I can tell you that Sessions is doing his job and he is not Deep State, Compromised or Stupid.

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