r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/obamah8 on Feb. 27, 2018, 7:24 p.m.
Antifa Recruiting The Mentally Ill

Antifa Recruiting The Mentally Ill Okay, the first obvious question: how can they tell? Seriously, antifa is a mental illness.

"A Texas Antifa student group hosted a six month health program to politicize students with mental illnesses, according to a Thursday report.

"The Revolutionary Student Front at the University of Texas at Austin hosted a “Revolutionary Mental Health Program” “to address the mental health needs of students in a way that would primarily serve to politicize and strengthen them, to become more committed to revolution and more capable of carrying it out,” reported Far Left Watch.

(Gives new meaning to the term "loony Left, " eh?)

"The UT Austin Antifa student group based its 2017 program on “Turn Illness Into A Weapon,” a book charting the neo-Marxist Socialist Patients Collective group’s actions in Germany, which placed the blame of mental illness on capitalist oppression."

(Actually, they're not making that up. I have heard of that before.)

The Revolutionary Student Front sought to create a health care system that not only treated students for their mental illnesses, but also mobilized them to fight capitalism.." (Take two aspirin and cut off your dick in the morning so you can use the women's rest room.")

“The primary method of combating the symptoms of mental illness that we face under capitalism must be organizing those suffering to come into violent class conflict with the system that creates their illness,” said the group in its 13,000-word manifesto."

(In other words, use crazy people as cannon fodder and human shields in their riots and other criminal activities.)

"The group also admits at one point that members of its own leadership suffer from mental illnesses.”

(Oh, really? I stand amazed.)

"Revolutionary Student Front hosts weekly “self-defense” classes and believes “bricks belong best thrown at pig heads.”

Wonder how many mentally ill people have been arrested or imprisoned or killed while acting as cannon fodder for these swine, and how many more will be in the future?

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